
Mrs. Kirchner, you do research to non-users of Online media. Now the Green-politician, Robert Habeck on Twitter, logged out, due to safety concerns and the observation that the aggressive discourse in the net, rubs off behavior on the communication. The interviewed people have the same motives as Habeck ?

This is quite different. There is also the group of “never-users”, which has used certain online-based offers. This group will tend to be always small, partly because the technical access to low-threshold, but it is not, to the extent that the research is exciting, because the people decide to use often for a conscious. Habeck brings for its cancellation well mainly reasons of data protection. Then there are also users for which, in particular, social networks such as Facebook always bring less added value – what you get to see, not interested, you simply (and more) or your time is too valuable. This also has to do often with biographical breaks, for example, if someone founds a family, or professional activities and thus less time and other priorities during the course of study or training. The conscious renunciation of the media, even if only temporarily, in a self-chosen time outs, is gaining importance, terms such as “Digital Detox” or “Slow Media”, which we encounter just now to the beginning of the year or during lent.

there Are also major events, such as the data Theft, the larger groups of people to use media?

Also in the Interviews I conducted were discussed such negative experiences, as in the case of Robert Habeck, though, we must distinguish between the users associated with your Account in the public interest and “normal” users like You and me who care about their private communication with friends and family . Finally, experiences of third parties can lead to the Internet as a safe space true. As one reads the reports of data theft and ask yourself “do I Need these channels anyway?” The NSA scandal is about as significant was the event that changed the General perception of social media and the users to Think about.

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Juliane Kirchner has not filtered out for your Promotion of the 24 users interviewed and common patterns.Photo: Natalia Zumaran

As painful as a “Detox” or even a complete cancellation of the social networks?

it always depends on whether there are Alternatives to use, and how the communicative exchange in the social environment of the Individual. The younger users are already better at Instagram or Snapchat on-the-go and WhatsApp is for Many an Alternative to keep each other informed. In some users of biographies, I’ve looked at, there were also phases, in which users logged on in the meantime, your Account at the end, but again, have deleted. The decision to use or not use is, therefore, rather as a process that is subject to, depending on the life situation and the use of media in the social environment, the negotiation processes. Whether a logoff from a social network has tangible consequences, also depends on how intense your friends and family advantage of the offer. In case of doubt, there is a need for concrete practices, in order to continue receiving information from the group.

Robert Habeck has a lot of communicating via Twitter. To him, therefore, lack two important channels through which he could independently publish. Will the withdrawal be difficult?

Someone like Habeck, who used his account as a priority, professionally, is a consultant, showing him Alternatives. Because of the use of social media is in Many habitually, brings a non-use, of course, but also has an impact on the everyday actions. To check quickly the social channels, or a Tweet, sell, can but for an automatic habit. I once made a crisis, the experiment with students, which should be avoided for a week on social networks, or the complete Smartphone. Those who refused on the phone, reported, in part, by a phantom, the you ring the bell, and listened.

you Should go so suddenly to go cold Turkey as Habeck or a slow phasing-out is better?

It is a fact that people with a strong use to announce your exit often, to make sure that the other users know how you can reach them in the future. In contrast, there are of course so-called “dead” in networks, where the process of non-use took place more slowly, for example, because you lost the interest in the use of, or no more time for it. The Experiment at the time, not all students wanted to participate because it was some of the too radical, and they feared that their social Connections are cut off. Those who have participated found it as a positive experience.

– Juliane Kirchner, (33), studied communication science at the University of Erfurt and received his doctorate on the topic of “non-users in the mediatised world of work”. They interviewed 24 people who do not use social networks or have never used. Currently, she is the coordinator of the collaborative DFG research training group “Doing Transitions” at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt.

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