Why Integration is not a, describes Ahmad Mansour in all clarity the example of a well-Known by the name of Nader. Who is Nader’s question of what he was, to get to the answer”, the Palestinians and the Muslim”, although Nader have, for years, the German citizenship. Nader was as a Patriarch. He says his wife and children, what you have to do. He works in black and with the support of the authorities. What he desires for his children? “You want to keep the family honor high. You should know where they come from, know that they are Palestinians and nothing else – and listen to me.“

to the Extent that the citizen Nader, “in the middle” live in a parallel society. One reads these descriptions of the people and asks himself: Why should he change after he moved from Gaza to Berlin? In his world, he is the boss. The woman obeys, the children respect him. The men around him as he is. His Patriarchy is unchallenged and, without a doubt. He lives, as he did in Gaza, lived – only safer. Why should he integrate?

Arab men and their self-image

So blatant and clear to the Arab Israeli Mansour writes about people like Nader, that you understand, why just Arab men have a hard time with the German majority society: they have more to lose than others. Not just the respect that is so important to you – your whole Power would be destroyed, would you accept the equality of the sexes and the right of their children to an upbringing free from violence. Or the right of Israel to exist.

Video 27.10.2018, 12:48 Uhr00:37 Min.Israel bombards Gaza after attack from Palestinian territory

Nader’s daughter, writes Ahmad Mansour, spoke after a summer holiday in Gaza in the school of the wickedness of the Jews. This is not in order, have tried the teacher to convey to the parents. “Nader told me about it and scolded the teacher, how racist she was.”

Mansours pamphlet on the policy of integration and its Failure is not only due to guys like Nader something radically Enlightening. Because the psychologist Mansour makes integration work, because he knows all of the “programs” and “projects” in this country, the immigrants to Arrive easier, it is difficult to understand why so much work on the large-scale project Integration. Also because he reported wonderfully open about your own experiences.

three, He had ten years in Germany

A man with a bald head and a dark beard, has done just that, what can be Known Nader dear: on Germany. Thirteen years in Germany, and he felt “at home”, he writes. His new compatriots have made him but slightly. At first, he didn’t expect to feel at home: “Where? In a cold society, which was too foreign, too different, too confusing? In the case of people who didn’t make fun of me, if a word occurred? The treated me like I was a small silly Boy?“

Video 28.11.2018, 15:04 Uhr00:22 Min.Seehofer: Muslims belong to Germany

But then he did the Necessary: He learned German. In the face of resistance of inner and outer art. Mansour has experienced, and may explain why the Arrive times lighter, sometimes heavier and sometimes quite impossible. To the author it is not, however, merely a description of the problems of integration. For example, the former neukölln mayor Heinz Buschkowsky and his successor, Franziska Giffey, today, Minister for family Affairs, wants to Mansour to solve problems, from a certain Patriotism. Often he refers to the freedom that is possible in Germany, and to whose legal framework the basic law.

freedom to win, freedom to keep

Perhaps what makes the book particularly impressive is the fact That to be found here, an immigrant from a different culture in the freedom and this also will allow you to. His opponents are the men who dominate their women. The women who do not send their daughters to swimming lessons. Organizations such as the Turkish religious authority Ditib, which promote an Islam that the Turkish state.

it is Not only the Renaissance of Religion, the Islamization of a young Generation of Germans with middle Eastern immigrant drives Mansour – he sees a “Generation of God,” grow up, wants nothing less than Integration and no vision of life. His ten suggestions for the policy and the German society on the point of what must finally be done, so that in German cities, not even larger parallel societies.

Ahmad Mansour: a clear text for the Integration. Against false tolerance and fear-mongering. S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, 2018. 303 p., 20 €.

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Islam-expert Ahmad Mansour “forced, we must not accept to see”

Frank Bachner

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