“Armed robbery against bureaux de change”

“Three armed persons struck at Haninge centrum”

“Several armed assailants struck against an exchange office in Haninge centre.”

“the Robbers escaped in a car.”

“They had guns and were dressed in white overalls,” says an eyewitness.”

“the Alarm came in to the police on Tuesday morning.”

“– At 10.17 came a call to the staff at a bureau de change in Haninge centre have been victims of a robbery, ” says Towe Hägg, police presstalesperson.”

“According to the police, it must have been at least three offenders who have been armed with firearms.”

“They had guns and were dressed in white overalls and ran in and shouted at people inside the exchange office, everything took 40-45 seconds before the stack in the path of a car,” says an eyewitness.”

“the Robbers stole cash and fled the scene in a car.”

“– We are on site to talk with staff and potential witnesses, we are also looking for after gärningspersonerna, says Towe Hägg.”

“At 11-the time was found in the getaway car nearby. Forensic specialists examined the vehicle in the afternoon, say police.”

“No one person is reportedly injured in connection with the robbery.”