We want to triple the unemployment rate! Create less secure jobs and more low-paid springjobb! We find that global corporations will make big money on our public sector. We want to cut taxes for the rich and raise it for the dependency. Care and school should be segregated more and the politicians have less to say about.

No, it was not just the rosy neo-liberals sold out their proposals for reform when the for over forty years, and then began his great propagandaoffensiv in Sweden and the west. But that was what we got.

the wreck was in place such as greater choice, lower taxes and a smaller klåfingrig and bloated apparatus. For an easier life.

also – at least many of us. With the charter of the development with the modern, urban middle-class step by step, freed from the old welfare state’s burdensome demands on the solidarity and economic equalization, and can now right carefree consume goods, services, trips and staggering loans.

But thus, unfortunately, we have also come to the right far on the journey to the tvåtredjedelssamhälle as many dystergökar once predicted: where the majority up there can turn their backs on the reserves where down.

So how did we get here?

book review: Bear Elmbrants ‘ The acid test”

”Market tyranny” is the telling title of a new book by author and journalist Björn Elmbrant. He belongs on the left wing, writes for the socialist of Today’s Arena and his books are named such as ”Dance around the golden calf”, ”Them up there – they’re down there”, and ”So fell the Swedish model”. Here he writes the story of how the classic Swedish model came to be transformed into today’s, shall we say, postmodern welfare state.

with long timelines maps Elmbrant how it was when the market reforms the reform succeeded in eating into and perforating the state. A purposeful process of influence, in front of and behind the scenes, and the driving forces behind is not particularly difficult to find – just follow the money.

From the 70’s and forward flows namely, a broad, almost inexhaustible flood of resources from the business community in conferences, journals, books and think tanks, and behind all the specious arguments about freedom of choice and supra-nationalism as it was formulated was the idea constantly the same: deregulation and austerity, freedom for capital and the shackles on the policy.

in Short, a prescription for limited democracy, but it was said, of course not.

And it was successful. Politics today is in many ways a little uplifting mediespektakel around lots without popular support, in the hands of lobbyists and pr consultants. The power of the democratically elected has kringskurits.

the Capital, on the other hand, feel that familiar fine and dandy.

as Elmbrant over this development, and wish the very reason that he argued a little bit better for her cause in the book. His presentation is knowledgeable but often fragmented, an insightful discussion of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman interrupted suddenly by the anecdotal replies from dagstidningsdebatten. Arguments rarely supported by substantiated figures and great mixed with small, sometimes one gets the feeling of Elmbrant with ”neoliberalism” mean everything new that he dislikes and the tone becomes peevish.

book review: Bear Elmbrants ”Stockholmskärlek. A book about Hjalmar Mehr”

As if he had not really decided if what he writes is an analysis for the thinking reader or a slängigt opinion piece for like-minded people.

But the basic problems are real, and, as a result of the new cracks that opened up yesterday to read in the populist valframgångarna not only in Sweden but throughout the western world.

No one seems the longer able to formulate a clear social project, a collective way towards a shared and preferably brightening the future; all that exists is the winner and loser in a continuous race for economic resources, and self-esteem. The result is the current vicious polarization of us and them. The only community that seems to be able to attract with the warmth and sense of belonging is nationalism – precisely the tuva which almost scuppered the whole regeringslasset.

halvglada to something at last rose from the dust after the election, but the shaky coalition will hardly remedy the actual soten. A heavily faded social democracy on the mandate of the right Centre party, the most extreme marknadspartiet of all, risking, rather, sow the seeds for a rebellion of the blue and yellow vests. At all events, it speaks a lot for The sweden democrats, along with a resentful right would be able to gain a majority in the next election.

We liberated capitalism, and put the band on the democracy. And now wonder where the monster came from.

Read more book reviews in the DN.