What is the horizon for the extension of mean the got the performer Johanna Freiburg of her mother. The had been sent in the ‘ 50s as a student exchange to England. Without any Knowledge about the recent German past, a taboo subject at home. In the Jewish English family that took her in, was rescheduled due to enlightenment. But not only because it was a formative trip. Impression, for example, how the mother was wearing in this family, lipstick, or in the morning coat, the Breakfast prepared. All unthinkable in the Prussian-German home.

Freiburg, member of the British-German Performance collective Gob Squad, grew up with the other. As Simon says, sitting slightly jetlagged before his teacup in the office of the group in Kreuzberg. Both have just returned from a Gob-Squad stint in Tasmania. The world has become smaller since the ’50s, since the’ 90s, as a Will for the first time came to Germany. More specifically, after molding, the felt in the pre-Easy-Jet-Era “as a distant, exotic place”. Here, in the course of studies for applied theatre studies, where the “discourse of the Festival” European students, together with their Work, the collective has its roots, as at the University of Nottingham, where Johanna Freiburg and her colleague Berit Stumpf is very non-bureaucratic, with a recommendation of your Professor in the Luggage, a guest write were allowed to complete the semester.

Caught in between Narrative

so It is not a pathetic Exaggeration if one refers to Gob Squad, as a child of the European idea. The group is about as old as the treaties of Maastricht, you will be touring internationally for many years, with offices in Berlin and England. Therefore, the forthcoming Brexit puts you close to the most of the exercise just as a political farce and Hanswurstiade with bizarre entertainment value, as a chaotic spectacle, which scares even the populists.

Simon Want, who grew up in the area between Manchester and Liverpool, can shake things over the head. How even in the Mainstream media from “unelected EU President”, Donald Tusk, will speak. How to slide in the economically hard-pressed areas of Britain, where, according to the coal nothing more came, all the blame on Brussels, not London. As it is, finally, the Leaver-campaign, managed to establish the Narrative that they wanted to win, “back in control”, while Yes hard object could be – who wants to be powerless? – everything is becoming very his views in the near future. Friends in England, all of them Remainer, of course, be currently depressed, as you could imagine.

Video 28.03.2019, 16:32 Uhr01:47 Min.If the Brexit makes you sick

In the German media, Johanna Freiburg to bear in mind, will suggests, the scarcity of Brexiteer-more fixes, and the ongoing turmoil: “don’t actually mean.” You have to give the misguided British only Chance to preserve her face, a second Referendum could correct the error. Wishful thinking, she believes. The fact is that about half of the population of exit it very serious with the EU. Delay and Deadline-give-and-take.

On 29. March, so much is sure, will not take place in the Brexit. The Gob Squad Performance of “I Love You, Goodbye (The Brexit Edition) goes on this evening” at the HAU on the stage until after midnight, and also plays with the diffuse hope of Salvation, one could proceed from the point of 0.01 PM in a world in which other rules apply, a new order, freed from the Brussels yoke. However, the stress of Freiburg and Wants to, “I Love You, Goodbye” is not a evening that deals with the specific offences of the exit process. The spectators are not called to “indicative votes” or the like. It is a Performance inspired by Brexit. Finally, the British striving according to island territories only as a proxy for nationalist currents, which show Europe-and even worldwide.

the internal hard-liners to listen

What’s happening on the stage? It is cooked, for example. Because love goes through the stomach. And because the kitchen is an ideologically-heated place. Every culture, every Region, every family has their traditional value systems, when it comes to food. And the are not directed less rigid sense, as questions of national sovereignty. When the onion is cut for the most part, a right or wrong. To listen a good opportunity on its own internal hard-liners to show instead of on supposedly from the populism seduced Others. According to Gob Squad – with a typical talent for improvisation within a fixed framework – also questions in the apodiktischen Either-Or-Duktus of the political present to the debate of faith: “Cream – Yes or no?”

After midnight, the world will be no different. Neither in the house nor in London. But with all the Gob-Squad-Humor inherent in this Performance is a real Goodbye-pain. Europe will have new boundaries. Johanna Freiburg, know that your child will probably not grow up with the matter of course, to go to Nottingham to Study. And the Briton Simon owns a German passport.

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Maastricht Treaty As the end of the D-Mark came

Albrecht Meier

presentation on 29. March 19 – 1 PM in HAU1