the ROME – as of yesterday, more than 700 boys turned to the door online “Far but close” on is managed by a team of 30 psychotherapists the developmental age of the Institute for speech and language therapy (IdO) at the service of schools and families. The questions have ranged over the whole of everyday life, disrupted by the emergency Coronavirus. Even adults have asked for help or information, including a professor and a psychologist outside. “The kids will ask for clarification on the restrictions to go out,” explains the team IdO to Say.
frequently asked questions. Among the questions most frequently asked law ‘For how long will the emergency? I can go find my boyfriend? At night you can go out?’. “We welcome their questions and in answering him I remind him what it was reiterated from the official websites of the government and the decree. We seek to provide a containment to the impatience, anger and frustration”. A teacher was turned to the door “Far but close” because the “complained of the circular sent by the Executive with respect to a visit of programmed instruction. He argued that at this time it is absurd to think this, when there is disappointment.
Motivating the point of view of the other. We – know-psychotherapists – we try to motivate the point of view of the other, dissolving the spirits and asking them to think in a positive way. We tune into the emotional state of those who turn to the door. Finally, we wrote a psychologist who, congratulating of our service, we asked for information on how to do this because she wants to play it”. Far away, but nearby is in fact a listening space that is the container of thoughts, reflections, fears, and the fears that inevitably this situation can change in the students
teachers and families.
An appeal that has been heard. The door, listening to the IdO with arises as a response to the circular of the world Health Organization-who recalls: ‘If you’re feeling overwhelmed, please contact a psychologist!”. During a crisis it is “normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared, or angry. Speak with people you trust can help – recommend to the Who – Called friends and family. Contact a health care provider or psychologist if you feel overwhelmed”. This appeal is not unheeded, the Institute for speech and language therapy there is and is available to those in need of help to manage stress during the outbreak of Coronavirus, or simply to understand what to do and how to behave.
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