“Data: Hit the soldier was in the tent”

“The female soldier died during the night after having been hit by a combat vehicle. “

“According to information provided to Aftonbladet to the woman and more the soldiers found themselves in a tent when the accident occurred. “

“– It should now be investigated how the tragic incident could occur, ” says the investigating authority Aino Finds to Aftonbladet. “

“At 00.55 over the night on Monday, an accident occurred during the militärövningen Northern Wind outside Överkalix. “

“According to the police, a total of nine people were involved in the accident, which the female soldier born in 1977 loss of life. “

“the Woman belonged to the 145:e hemvärnsunderrättelsekompaniet. “

“– The worst has occurred. A comrade in the armed Forces have paid the ultimate price and my thoughts go out to the families and friends in the dressing, ” says övningsledaren, colonel Stefan Smedman. “

“Both the defence minister Peter Hultqvist as commander in chief Micael Bydén, has lamented the accident and stated that their thoughts go to the woman’s relatives. “

“Exactly how the accident gone to so far have been unclear, but several informants said previously unknown details of Aftonbladet. “

“According to Aftonbladet’s information, the female soldier, along with several other been in a tent when stridsfordonet drove over it. The woman must have fallen in and died of his injuries. “

” the Case is being investigated as reckless driving and involuntary manslaughter by arbetsmiljöbrott, according to police. “

“the investigating authority is Aino Pietilä, prosecutors at the riksenheten for environmental and work environment objectives. “

“”I have no further information other than that it is a female person who has been hit by a car,” she says on Aftonbladet’s information. “

“the Police technicians are investigating.”

“According to the prosecutor, the police have initially taken the traditional investigative measures. “

“Police techniques to do their job of mapping the place, and so we obtain the conditions under which this event has occurred,” says Aino Finds. “

“According to the armed Forces will exercise the Northern Wind will continue as planned after you have had a temporary break in connection with the accident.”

“In försvarsövningen involved a total of about 10 000 people, of which more than 7 000 comes from the ”priority samarbetsnationer” Finland, Norway, the united states and the united kingdom.”