In focus – some praktklantar who dream of making a raketkarriär through the state Department diplomatprogram at Gustav Adolfs torg. Number 1: Jens Stråhle (Jesper these two) a shameless sliders with parents in the diplomatic service. Number 2: the conscientious, but as socially incompetent, UD-färskingen Fanny Boatswain (Moa Lundqvist). They are dippar. Trainees . Their supervisor Minnie, Marie Agerhälls cleverly clumsy figure, is, unfortunately, no moralstark mentor (such not trying to blackmail the bosses who sent the dic-pic on ambassadjobb in Washington).

the Trio makes soon the chaos of one of the official statsbesöket after the other.

Through the years I have read about all of the diplomats who commit minor crimes in Sweden. The tabloids tend to have listings for all the rattfyllor, illegal parking, infractions and cigarettes. All of that is great fun to chip around the because they are with their diplomatic passports and immunity is rarely punished, says Marie Agerhäll who also produced and directed the series.

Before the manusarbetet she interviewed the foreign MINISTRY-the people who are happy, but off the record, told us about the diplomacy of the inner life. Among other things, about the “shamelist” that appear in the ”Dips” – skamlistan where foreign diplomats who trod awry on Swedish soil, the ports, and soon to be banned by his colleagues in the foreign MINISTRY palace.

” It’s fun to think about – how does it work and what can you say when it is, for example, is north Korea who has done something, or a Danish. How hard it barks the MINISTRY for foreign affairs, what the levels are? And when choosing the foreign MINISTRY to inform the newspapers? It just spilled out how much fun time out of it where skamlistan, ” she says.

” Right joke in the office is always smart to write about for there are so many who can relate to such. And it is about the corridors of power, so it will be in addition higher statusfall – such are often very easy fun for there is so much at stake.

Marie Agerhäll. Photo: Casper Hedberg

– Someone has described our series as ‘ about ‘The Office’ tried to make ‘House of cards'” – it was quite apt. But we sold the idea to SVT as ”a Swedish ‘Veep’ but without the money and with the more slapstick”. Fixed the environment in the ”Dips” are not as their first of the season as in ”Veep” (Armando Iannuccis HBO series with Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the U.S. vice president, red note) – at the foreign MINISTRY, there are both gustavian antiques, and the Billy-bookshelves. We didn’t have the speed of the replicas in the either without doing something with more … body. This way the ”Dips” closer to the mood of ”Parks and recreation” than in ”Veep”, which is ugly in the mouth, and politically witty.

” No, but we try to deviate from the Swedish humour. It is something I’m looking at so is the humor from just England and the Amerikat, where you don’t just kidding in a different way, but also shooting different. I don’t want to have it where the calm narrative with a static camera that is so common in american humor, ” she says, and points out that the work environment at the MINISTRY for foreign affairs is already pretty stiff.

A series of framed of negotiations with Yemen, territorial violations in the Baltic sea, the world, and the feminist foreign policy is likely to be a bit sluggish.

if you’re going To make something interesting of a dry internkonflikt so I try to write it so that it quickly happens, something physical, or that the camera is variable and spontaneous. Get to a nerve that does not arise if you take it gently with the camera.

Despite minimal marketing is “Dips” in the top among the most streamed programmes on SVT Play. Team Agerhäll/these two do not exclude more episodes in the future.

” I think it will be more, but as always, it is a pengafråga. We have plenty of ideas which do not fit. I would like to have the money to put together a larger team so I don’t have to be in all the details. Although I do like to do everything myself.

Read also the Greta Thurfjell: In popular culture, we get to laugh at his idiotic incompetence