Divided reactions on the budget

the Reactions are many and mixed, after M’s and KD’s common budgetreservation klubbats through in parliament. Several organisations are positive to the new tax cuts, while the other is concerned about the reduced investments in the field of migration.

Of the Stockholm chamber of commerce welcomes you to the abolition of the flygskatten.

the Swedish medical association welcomes on its side, the focus on primary care.

the confederation of Swedish Enterprise gives a thumbs-up for the tax cuts, which it believes will lead to more people choose to work more.

Even the Taxpayers ‘ association is positive to the new budget, but demanding at the same time, even more tax cuts.

From the other direction, you hear more critical voices. Swedish SSR is concerned about the cutback of three billion crowns in labour market policy programmes.

Save the Children is critical to the cutbacks within the field of migration and want to see a regression to permanent residence permits and the right to family reunification. At the same time, the organization positive to another part of the budgetreservationen.