“Error reject Sweden’s young muslims ‘contribution”

“once Again, the authority may MUCF rebuffed in court to have the refusal of Sweden’s young muslims’ contributions. The court considers that the association has demonstrated that it respects democracy’s ideas.”

“the Question of the state contribution to the association Sweden’s young muslims (Sum), has become a serial.”

“twice the Sum refused the grant of Authority for youth and civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF), with reference to the association does not meet the demokratikraven. Two times have cases been appealed to the court, which ruled that it had been wrong to reject the contribution.”

“the Last Sum was denied the grant, in april last year, after a critical report that MUCF ordered. It pointed, inter alia, on the existence of extremist sympathisers and activists in Sums local associations and even overlaps to the våldsbejakande islamic environment.”

“But according to the administrative court in Stockholm, the association has demonstrated that its activities respect the democracy of ideas. It is estimated that the Sum taken action against the persons who acted in undemocratic and also worked in the prevention against extremism.”

“We could see that the young muslims had reacted and taken action when you saw that there were sub-organizations that had expressed himself in an inappropriate way, and that it had also excluded members who behaved inappropriately,” says alderman Kerstin Andres.”

“Right could not identify links to the Muslim brotherhood, which is alleged in the report.”

” the Ruling is completely in line with what we all the time have claimed. It is a major victory for the organization and especially for our members, ” says Rashid Musa, president of Sweden’s young muslims.”

“According to Musa, may the court decision – and thus money – of great importance for the Sums of operations:”

“– It means, among other things, that we can arrange sommarkollo for children whose parents can’t afford to go on vacation. It means that we can arrange a gathering of young muslim girls and strengthen their self-image and self-esteem.”

“According to the court, are not reasons to reject the Sums of the application for the grant in 2017 or recover the contribution for the previous year. It means that the MUCF now must make a new determination of whether the Sum has been entitled to a grant, unless the authority does not choose to appeal.”

“the report writer Magnus Sandelin, journalist and expert on the våldsbejakande extremism, is critical to förvaltningsrättens decision:”

” I think that the conclusion should have been another. There are clear links to the extremist environments, for example, that it repeatedly invite speakers who are known anti-semites and homophobes. There is evidence for everything in the dossier, which I took up.”

“MUCF rejects Sweden’s young muslims (Sum) the application for a government grant for 2017. The decision was based on the MUCF considered that the Sum had not been able to show that they engaged in an activity in accordance with democratic ideas.”

“Sum appeal the decision to the administrative court.”

“MUCF instructs Magnus Sandelin, journalist and expert on the våldsbejakande extremism, to review the Sum and its member organizations on the basis of demokratiperspektivet.”

“MUCF rejects on the new Sums to the application for the 2017 and requires back contributions for previous years. As the reason stated that the association does not meet the requirement to respect democratic ideas, including gender equality and prohibition of discrimination.”

the “Sum to appeal to the administrative court again.”

“the Court concludes that it was error to deny Sum contribution.”