“Europe’s left should listen to the Yellow vests”

“Olle Svenning: that is Why I left -”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“born in the political labour movement should ask themselves the question: What does it mean to be left? One is not born a socialist, you become it.”

“I have had generous time to think about the subject.”

“the Left has for me always been a freedom movement, in constant opposition to the hierarchies of power, against class society and inherited privileges.”

“once upon A time, confessing themselves liberals to the left; they fought conservatism, the right wing simply. The social democracy I grew up with was not particularly theoretical; it was practical and created the welfare state that liberated from the economic domination and gave citizens the right to education.”

“No one used the concept of ”class trip”; it would rise with their class, not over it.”

“nVänstern represented ”the modern”, the future. ”Living modern”, is a question from the 1950’s, when’s need for housing was built away.”

“the”Multicultural left”, it was the French left’s slogan, the british New Left said the same, but more academic.”

“During part of the 1960s was left open and ecumenical. It was possible to at once learn from Althusser, Perry Anderson, and the Tage Erlander. And of André Gortz so early warned us of the impending ecological disaster and the industrial society resolution.”

“To be the left requires the ability to critical thinking and it can give disappointing results. Modernity points not farther forward; it is regressive, reactionary. The welfare state to be dismantled and privatised. Class and förmögenhetsklyftor is growing, democracy is weakened. The tipping point for the environment’s survival is already 2040, and it may be optimistic.”

“nJag take a cup of coffee in Paris along with some ”yellow vests”: nursing assistants, small business owners, young people in the so-called precariat, people with 1000 euros in monthly salary.”

“They are globalisation’s losers, according to the patronizing högerliberalismen. Their rebellion, sometimes unbridled and primitive, is about social justice, protest against domination, against maktsystemet, against könsorättvisor and against miljöförödelse.”

“The european left should listen.”