The Daily Telegraph must pay to the Australian actor Geoffrey Rush is the equivalent of 540 000 euros for Pain and suffering. The Federal court in Australia found evidence that Rush had been shown in articles defamatory. An acting colleague, who also had a say in the process, accused Rush of sexual harassment. the

The Australian actor Geoffrey Rush won a libel lawsuit against a newspaper publisher in Australia. The Daily Telegraph had reported in newspaper reports from the year 2017 of allegations of sexual harassment against the actor. The court found the 67-Year-old, the Speech from the movie “The King’s” and “pirates of the Caribbean” is known, on Thursday 000 euros to the equivalent of nearly 540 because of the reputational damage. In the newspaper reports had not been provided with the necessary diligence and, therefore, the judge Michael Wigney.

In the first article under the Heading “King Leer” (to German about: king’s Chandeliers), and the follow-up reports had claimed the Daily Telegraph, among other things, that Rush had harassed a fellow actress during a theatre production of “King Lear” sexually. Rush sued the sheet and the competent journalist Jonathon Moran. According to other Reports, the actress as Rushs stage colleague Eryn Jean was to Norvill.

Norvill said yourself in the process. She explained, during a death scene, Rush have touched you with a Hand on the side of her right breast down to the hip. Rush had rejected the allegations after the publication of the reports.

another actress raises allegations against Rush

On Thursday, the judge ruled, in his view, the statement of the actress was not as credible to rate worthy of even reliable and they had been pushed by the Telegraph into the limelight. With a view to the work of the Daily Telegraph and of the journalists responsible, the judge said: “This was a reckless, irresponsible piece of sensational journalism of the worst kind.” In fact, the sheet from the Murdoch group is for its lurid article is known and has repeatedly been reported by the Australian Press Council.

Rush said after the verdict outside the courthouse in Sydney: “In this case, there are no winners. It was incredibly distressing for everyone who was involved in the matter.” The Daily Telegraph said the verdict was disappointing and stressed to support Norvill continued.

Eryn Jean Norvill is not the Only one that raises allegations against Rush. In December 2018, the Orange Is the New Blackactress Yael Stone the Oscar winner in the New York Times of sexual harassment while working on a theatre piece in the years 2010 and 2011 accused. These allegations had been denied by the actor.