today presented the culture, Trine Skei Grande and prime minister Erna Solberg and the new kulturmeldingen, which will set the course for the arts funding in the future.

This is the first kulturmeldingen made in 15 years.

There have been high expectations for this important governance document, which is on in just under hundred pages.

– This is something I have both dreaded having and was looking forward to, ” said Trine Skei Grande, before she started the presentation by kulturmeldingen.

Grande has been clear that this is first and foremost a general and principled message.

The new kulturmeldinga has been given the name “Culture’s power – the cultural policies for the future”.


During the presentation said the culture Trine Skei Grande (V) that the supply of information has never been greater than today, and that dannelsesbegrepet therefore not have been more important than now.

– to get to the critical reflection has never been more important. Therefore, it is to get to the formation and critical reflection, an important part of arts funding, ” says Grande, and continues:

the Arts are being sacrificed because the new regions must have something to do Comment

– in Some places the fight against the elites, to fight against knowledge. It is a dangerous way to go. Option to fight against the elites is to disseminate knowledge, raise the formation and have a school and a culture that together is to make citizens into active participants with your own opinions. Opinions which are not dupert of an elite, as, for example, have access to art and culture, others do not have, ” she says.

– Less chance for Trump

When the Newspaper speaks with Grande after the presentation she explains that she believes the gap between people is smaller when the population as a whole have more knowledge.

– do you Think that this is something that has gone wrong in the places in the world where there is a kulturkamp?

– Yes, I believe this is part of what makes that we get Donald Trump, and the emergence of the attitudes with less confidence in democracy. And my medicine is the formation. It is knowledge, and citizens who can stand up for themselves, ” she says.

– do you Mean that the policy of their decreases the chance to get a Donald Trump in the Uk?

“Yes,” says Grande.

– Reason to be relieved

What with maktfordelingen on the cultural scene? Those who have been worried about that too much power is being moved to the regions due to be relieved?

Yes they have, for they have believed that we would transfer all the power and would run from them and leave them. Now we say that we shall have the most possible reverse share split and shared finansieringer because we believe that it leads to a much closer cooperation, and that cooperation has been called in consultation.

During the presentation drew she also revealed that for her, cultural policies, ytringsfrihetspolitikk.

All art and culture is speech. All of the art and culture to facilitate that the speech should come up. Therefore, this is pure human rights policy, ” says Grande.

Want discussion

The previous kulturmeldingen was published in 2003 when Valgerd Svarstad Haugland of the Christian democratic Party was on.

prime Minister Erna Solberg said during the presentation that she hopes kulturmeldingen creates discussion.

It is incredibly sad if a white paper on cultural policies for the first time in 15 years not to create discussion. But I hope that it, as a culture, can bring with themselves a little reflection, ” says Solberg.

-Innsatsområdene that the government will focus on, among other things, to exploit the possibilities that new digital technology, strengthen the economic sustainability of kultursektoren, utilizing culture international opportunities and work of a representative and relevant cultural environment, with equal opportunities for all the population, ” says Solberg.

Meetings around the country

in the Fall of 2017 and early in the year, the Ministry of culture organized meetings around the country to get input for the message.

Petter Snare, director at CODE the art museums in Bergen, has identified that he wants a change in it, he reviews a vast difference between what the capital city is receiving funds, compared with the rest of the country.

I expect that the message says something about the enormous enhances the class distinctions in arts funding, where it is Oslo against the rest of the country. There is a huge difference in what capital city and the rest of the country gets. I do not expect concrete solutions in this message, but a general and clear direction. Norwegian cultural life must come out of the London fog, has director Petter Snare at the CODE, stated to the NTB.

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