Agatha Christies a master pi Hercule Poirot is up through the years been portrayed a number of times.

A common denominator, nevertheless, has always been the distinctive mustache and the distinctive accent. It’s now been changed, and thus breeds crime-the followers.

John Malkovich has starred as mesterdetektiven Hercule Poirot in the new BBC-miniserien “The ABC Murders”, and reaping the harvest now criticism for the way the character are portrayed.

handlebar moustache

The new Hercule Poirot has in fact neither the iconic his handlebar mustache or belgian accent. In “The ABC Murders” has namely the peculiar detective instead got the british accent and fippskjegg.

the Mystery krimdronninga took with him to the grave

Miniserien is also to portray the detective as a man who is both emotionally and physically wounded after the first world war.

In addition, apparently also Poirots sexuality be a theme, according to The Telegraph.

it’s All about the mustache

After the first episodes shown in the uk, both the fans and kulturkommentatorer taken to the keyboard to show their displeasure with the manufacture of Poirot in the new series.

Several people claim that the mustache and the accent is absolutely essential character traits of the iconic Agatha Christie character.

– the End to present [incorrect, writes, among other things Rhik Samadder with capital letters in a comment published in The Guardian. He goes on to argue that it’s all about the mustache.

Agatha Christie disappeared without a trace in 10 days. Now launching the author spinnvill story about what happened

The small, waxed and stylish, the decoration expresses the belgian detektivens kjedelighet. Make an effort, folks, he writes further as a call to serieskaperne.

He attacks also fippskjegget that Poirot has received a rather than the characteristic mustache:

-What is this, the “Breaking Bad”?

– dark

It is not just the mustache and the accent that makes it smooth layers with the fans. Also the series has received criticism on Twitter. Among other things, writes:

– It was so bad that my parents have just started a vehement defense of the “real Agatha Christie” and the “real Hercule Poirot”.

the Series will also receive criticism by several to be “too dark”.

I have followed with “The ABC Murders” as long as I can, but this is only sludder. I understand the need to update things, but Agatha Christie was not a noir writer. There was an ease, a playfulness, a sense of humor even in the darkest stories. This is the only dark, miserabelt and boring, writes one of those who point this out.

– Known and loved character

the Controversy has not gone actor John Malkovich house of the past. In an interview with the Radio Times he talks about the new manufacture of Poirot, and how it’s been received.

Engaging a whole world: When Agatha Christie was itself part of a crime-mystery of the Newspaper Plus

– This is obviously a very known and loved character, and there may have been some worry that we would not have honored it. Poirot and Christie fans hate maybe all of this. I have no idea, ” says Malkovich.

the Actor also reveals that the script is going to throw light upon the Poirots history in a way that perhaps will surprise the audience.

Among other things, comes one of the police officers to comment on the fact that Poirot is known for not being particularly fond of women. Furthermore, he defends the use of the distinguished british accent:

In our version has Poirot lived in England for over 20 years, and have made a prolonged effort to not be seen as a foreigner, and to speak English like an englishman, ” says the actress.

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