the 36-year-old Silas Holst is just now current in the musical ‘Flashdance – The Musical’. As an actor and dancer, he is accustomed to both praise and criticism on the road from critics, but one particular review is, however, dropped the dancer on the chest.

In a review from CPH Culture comments the reviewer for his attention in connection with his performance of ‘Flashdance – The Musical’.

‘In relation to the role means nothing, that there is a few kilos extra on the hips, but it does on the other hand, has no good for his dansesolo’, writes reviewer about Silas Holst and acknowledges with four stars.

the Comment about the weight have got Silas Holst to the keys on his Instagram profile, where he expresses himself critical of, that the reviewer chooses to focus on his appearance.

‘An otherwise lovely review of our performance affects strangely enough, my weight (…) I am sorry that it has been the focus of a reviewer, and that he has not been able to separate myself as Silas and me as an actor’, he writes among other things in the advertisement.

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Here the day then, there always the reviews of a Performance. And we are lucky to have got good just for the sake of clarity I will start by saying that this posting is by no means written with the aim of pouting or in a puddle of self-pity, just to ask a question. An otherwise lovely review of our Performance touch curiously, also my weight (this is not the first time I experience it). It affects me in no way personally head. It had it done some years ago. But I have nothing against my weight is three pounds higher than my alleged ideal weight these days. It hangs together with to be happy and enjoy the pleasures of life. As the dear Fatman recently reminded us all about is important. I take a glass of wine and eat an ice cream with my children. And with two kids and a busy career is my focus (or time) not to stand daily in a fitness center. Then again, this is not written for that I want pouting in the form of “you are not fat”. I know I’m not fat. But let me get to the matter – my question is really just, wondering if a reviewer had ever dared to comment on a WOMAN’s weight in a review? And wondering how his words would be received, if he had mentioned a female actress ‘ weight?? I personally believe it had triggered a shitstorm. But why is it so okay to do in relation to a male actor? It is not more than a week ago @sofielinde1 (the lovely woman) was hailed for standing by its “deller” (her own words), But here a week after becoming a man, “hung out” for having too much on sidebenene? Is it okay? And finally, I will not hit personally to the comment. I am sorry that it has been the focus of a reviewer and he does not have to separate me as Silas and me as an actor. Just curious on how you think it was gone if it was a woman and her weight was highlighted as being too thick and inhibiting? For in these #meto sometimes I don’t think it would happen. Good Sunday, everyone – and yes, I have damn well going to eat an ice cream today because I want to enjoy my life every day!

A lookup shared of Silasholst (@silasholst) the

For Extra Magazine tells Silas Holst, that he was surprised when he read the notification.

– There is so much focus on the ‘bodyshaming’ today, and I think it is really good. But it is the discrimination that annoys me. I do not think that you, as a reviewer would ever write something like that about a woman. It would get people up off the couch, but it is apparently okay to do, when it is men. It seems I’m wrong. It is not in order – just because there is a man, he says.

According to the seasoned dancer who is best known from ‘dancing with the stars’, it is far from the first time, he gets comments about her weight in a review.

– I thought: ‘Not again’. I often get comments about my weight. I, for example, is five pounds too fat for the role, or ‘now has great-looking Silas lost weight very’ or similar. It is too frivolous. It makes me not sad anymore. It did it in the beginning, but now it is like more here, a sense of justice, being stepped on, he says, and continues:

– It is not selvynk, but I share it here to start a debate and to ask whether it is me, that is completely hold of their senses. I think it is wonderful that we have the talk about, that women can, and that they need and everything here. But it does not mean that it is okay to pig men, he says.

Silas Holst wants to create debate with his posting. Photo: Henning Hjorth

– You are pretty open on social media that you the recent times it has struggled with your weight and have lost you to the role in ‘Flashdance’. Is it not what you can expect when making reviews?

– Not by a reviewer. It should not be personal in relation to one’s appearance. It is it, it sticks to me. There is a need to distance themselves from me as a person and then relate to me as an actor and to my work. It is too bad, if my body takes focus. It belongs to me no place. It would be something else if it were my followers. But I expect more of a reviewer, says Silas Holst.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from CPH Culture, but they are at the time of writing is not returned to our requests.