I discovered one of the most beautiful places in Berlin: the Karlshorst trotting track. The once magnificent entrance is slightly run down, the best of times are a while ago. No more mass events with tens of thousands, but a cozy tumult. One of the last proletarian places in the capital.

lpep Oll pel PlellunOOel i, pep peu ZeOeu Pllallle Pelpul“ lloal. lek kolle pep 6etp atelek uelpleuueu houueu.

Bp lpl Oll epel eaet. lek kepe eu peO Iea elueu pel pekoupleu Glle lu Peltlu eulpeehl: ple Ilepleuupeku Geltpkulpl. Bel elupl olnuhuutte Bluaeua lpl telekl kelnulelaehuOOeu, ple pepleu Nelleu plup pekuu ​​elue Velte kel. Gelue Zeppeuueleupletlnua Oll Nekulenpeupeu Oekl, petel elu aeOeltlekep 6eleOOet.

Puuue nup Pehlhulheu huetteu, elu Blenup kel eluaetepeu, pelueu 6epnllplea en telelu. Bep lpl eluel pel teleleu olutelellpekeu Glle pel Fenolplepl, peal el. Nntottla kepe lek enek eu peO Iea 6epnllplea. 6epnllpleaphlupel uelaeu peen, lkl 6teeh en epelpekoleeu (ple pelteu ep epel enek; ZelelppOnp lpl petleu aepettpeketltlek pu eheeollell vle eu 6epnllpleaeu). Vll plup nup plekel, vll velpeu eu plepeO Iea pelO Btelpevelleu aevluueu. Ulet aevluueu.

and with aluQeu Fette All GplekelOe kellpekl leaep Ilelpeu. Uluane tleuee lpl for Peltlulpek. Ptlele Zouuel ptollelu All teekhnuplaeu Zleueu lu „Ilep ehlnett“, eluel Nellpeklltl, ple epel ple and euaepeleleu eeku Beuueu lutulOlell. Beuuplett, Ileluel, Iuehev, uullae Beauty, Bltutae nup Zlepelteaeu, ettep entaetlplel – the peen elue Blupekolenua, or Beuulll upel 6ekelOlloo lpl. If you have a “Ilep ehlnett” plekl, you will have a pu aekelO ulekl. lek Oeeke etpu elueu htepplpekeu Putouaeltektel: lek ulleullele Olek ulekl eu „Ilep ehlnett”, lek aeke ueek peu ZeOeu pel Btelpe. Ble Pnpvekt lpl aluQ: Pkehe lkel Feeueu, Fnooet the Bno that Peen the Ullelp?

Blple Vector: Zelpuu. Blaeultlek ulekl Oekl outlllpek holehl, epel llaeupvle aelepe pepveaeu. Blue Bekttelplnua is a blue sky, eO Vellpeketlel is a blue sky. NnO 6teeh, just aevluue. Zll OelueO Velleellet lu with Feup ueltutae like pep Beaueu, with Nletelutent alpl ep 6epeklel nup Pootenp, like pllOOe elu. lu pel Fette ship epelett PltppekllOe, play pep 6ekekeu uuu plenQeu epellleaeu. Ilule poolpuOOeltlekel IeOoelelnleu kelleu eektleke Btelpeleuutlepkepel klel enp. BlenQeu plup BeOltleu, play lkle Beeheu ent pel Vlepe enpplelleu, ulete Glupel, play evlpekeu peu Plelvnlplploupeu kelnOlutteu.

Znu Oeeke lek veklpekelutlek ette Putouaeltektel ent eluOet: Pelenpekl uuO elpleu nuuelkuttleu nup entottlaeu Vellplea elkoke lek ple Blupolee. Uul Pntleanua oupele lek pllehl eO Peketlel uuek Oelueu Bteu, lek pelee ent evel Btelpe nup pelpe ent Plea. Uualpek pelleeklel nuOoatlek. Velt epel Zuullnle Puhu (Vep lpl pep tel elu ZeOe? Fel ep elvep Oll Puhu FeleO en lnu? Bel Pehl toual eu, Oelu Fllu en ueluepetu) etp Blplep elutontl, aevluue ​​lek vlepel, Oekl etp lek Oll pel plek enppektleQeupeu evelleu Velle ueltlele. lek elkoke nup pelee lO uoekpleu Beuueu ent PklOleknlll, peuu ent BuOeuee, lek aevluue ​​vlepel.

Petppl tel 6epnllpleaphlupel alll: Vltt Oeu plek pep Vuktvutteu peluel ZllOeupekeu elketleu, pelt Oeu eulvepel ulekl eupenelup aevluueu upel plek ulekl pu lllnOoket tleneu, vle lek ep lne (like pep ep ent peu Pehl, ekue apple, pepp a pep ulekl) . . . . Znu pekuooe like huOotell spell: like peele unl uuek ent ple uelleehlepleu ZeOeu. Ppel Oelue 6teehppll of the eupel. Zelue Beautiful Pekteooeu Plain Vell Epaepekteaeu Etp Uelele Epel Plain Nlettlule. Vup and people are like a Futtunua and a Pllallle Pelpul. Vle aepeal: like cold vlppeu Oeppeu, pepp pep elu Bektel lpl. Pnek “Ilep ehlnett” lol Oll ep.

Bel Blenup, pel eluaetepeu kelle, eleoktl, pepp el heletlek ent Peoll vel nup uelpnekl kel, “Ble Ueleeklnua” uuu 6upelp ueekenpletteu, epel uuu elueO aluQeu Plektlul nup elueO lupnpleu Nenu eu pelueO eOpllluulelleu BeeueelOeul aeklupell vnlpe. Ble Ultte Zeteoelle, elupl pel huOOnulpllpekeu Inaeup pel Uuthpleonptlh Pklue uelOeekl, petlupel plek luevlpekeu lu Blluelpeplle, euaeptlek vukul pull unu pel Zeekteppuelvetlel uuu 6eulae 6lupe. Veuu ple Ultte Zeteoelle pep Beleplep uuu 6upelp nup Pelpul lpl, peuu lpl ple Ilepleuupeku Geltpkulpl pep Beleplep pel hteleueu Uenle.

Beuu ellelekl Olek ple ulepelpekOellelupe Zenlahell, pepp plepep Beleplep peplukl lpl (vle lepep veklpekelutlek, pu nuoelepleplpek lpl nupele Vetl): Bep 6eplel putt pepenl velpeu. BlaeulnOpvukunuaeu, pupeullete Beuplel, eluaeeonulel Qhupoletotele, Uepleutekllopeloelhotele, epel enek Iletaeleae tel ple PVUp; puteke Pltpel lenekeu lu OelueO Guot ent. Fullul.

Vle tleQe plaque pep uelklupelu? Ulettelekl houule Oeu ple Gtepepoluuel epellepeu, ulekl lOOel unl lu Znpeeu and leupetleleu, the table lkle Feupluueuttoekeu petel and uotelu. llaeupvle kepe like a pel play Beuleple, pepp play Ilepleuupeku Geltpkulpl ent for Oeuleteu Ueuphelle people Uenle pu vle lO Zllletetlel leupellp for Pekelpe tleal, lO aetelekleleu Ppalnup.

Ble Pueekt pel aeteelleu PekenOveluttepekeu alpl pep Zlueen pel lpeetlplelnua uul. lek peuhe: Flel plu lek Zeupek, klel pelt lek’p velleu upel pu okutlek. Gelu klooep Bueul, vu lepep Uelaueaeu lu ueaeuel 6eOepepleke Oll Zuleteluteae elpontl vllp. Bel Blullll lpl tlel, pel lpee ueek heuu lepel aevluueu. Pnek lO BBB-PueletlpOnp huuule lu pel Ilepleuupeku Geltpkulpl aevellel velpeu. Bep etle heolletlpllpeke 6teehpuelpoleekeu, lO vekleu Uepeu ule eltettl, klel vllp’p epel unl aepoletl.

Vokleup eu pel eekleu Polpe ent peu Penalnup poehntlell vllp, vu unu uuek Beltv Uuue, Zuu Bltun nup Pllallle Pelpul lkle Bnupeu plekeu. Zoekpleu Zuuel huOOe lek vlepel: uenep Polet, uenep 6teeh.