After 38 years as voluntarily isolated from the outside world will be Steen Ingolf ‘Guf’ Gad Østerby now reveling in the attention, both from the nursing staff at the Holstebro Hospital and from the curious persons, who will bear the hermit from the tv a visit.

on Monday night showed the TV2 programme ‘Since the Goodies went in the forest’, which is about eneboerens life in a marsh by the Cornerstone about 20 kilometers from the town, and since the interest in him has been massive.

Far strangers have sent Mutual greetings, and even met up to visit the 83-year-old gentleman who has now been shifted on to the act.

– people come running, as he did not know. There was one who thought the staff at the hospital that she was his cousin. But he needs quiet, so now he has been moved on a living room for themselves, says Knud Ove Korsgaard, who owns the forest, which Tuck lives in.

last night was Knud Ove Korsgaards wife to the hospital to visit Tuck, but it was difficult to find him, because he had been moved, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

It is Majbrit Bach from TV Midtvest, which in one year has followed the Candy and made the program about him. On Thursday last week she would bear him a visit. She found him frail lying in her bed, and saw then that he was hospitalized. The doctors found that he had pneumonia and fluid in one lung.

Tuck in his bed in the bus of his beloved bog. Photo: TV2
Just as the Guf is Majbrit Bach been bestormet of people who have seen the program.

– I have received offers from people who will want to fix his burn. And then there is someone who will bring a new bus to him, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

Yum has for 38 years been living in the forest in an old bus, which he bought for 700 dollars. In it he has designed a kitchen, a bedroom and a living room with a tv, which he can turn on with a benzindreven generator. Otherwise, Tuck lived without electricity and running water, since he moved out in the woods.

– He can’t relate to all the deals, says Majbrit Bach, sincerely welcomes the love that flows from Mutual.

As he also says in the program, started his life completely without love. Therefore, I think it is so deserved, that he brands the now, she says.

Both the tv-photographer and skovejeren tell that Tuck is very grateful for everything that is being done for him at the hospital. But most any will he home to the forest.

– But he’s well aware that it will not be just the same, says Knud Ove Korsgaard, who fits the Gufs animals, while he is hospitalized.

the Mutual, which usually steams loose, have lost the desire to smoke, says Majbrit Bach. Photo: TV2

Over half a million so at Monday’s program on the Mutual, which can be found on the TV2 Play. 29. december re-broadcast of TV2 Since the Goodies went in the forest’.