“There’s candy!” Lizzie Doron has brought gifts of your short stay in the home. She holds in a seminar room, a large box in the level. In Israel, the writer had to extend your tourist visa for Switzerland for a further three months. On the drive to Ben Gurion airport, you came with the taxi driver in conversation. He had recognized and quite directly asked why she of all people Surviving drive as a daughter of Holocaust so often to Berlin.

In the German capital Lizzie Doron has since some years a second residence. Berlin calls them, who understands English well, but prefer replies in English, their “second home”. Although she was Israeli, and I have a Israeli passport: “in these days, but I feel that I also belong to Europe.” The sun in your genes, it is a heritage of their parents: “I have a broken identity.”

The taxi driver, however, a “secular Jew,” as Doron stressed – had decidedly been of the opinion that all Jews belong to Israel, it was the Jewish determination to live in the promised Land and to defeat the Arabs, one day, definitely. Lizzie Doron was speechless: “This is an attitude that it is not possible to cope with rational arguments.”

The ride ended with the taxi driver accused her of having a lack of Faith and as the designated what you get to hear Lizzie Doron for around ten years, often, even by former friends and Acquaintances: she’s a “traitor” to the Jewish people.

“My complicated world”

it is Now fashionable but in the lecture hall in Bern presents for the 40 or so students that visit in the current Friedrich-Dürrenmatt-a Professor of world literature, the weekly Seminar “Breaking the walls” – from the low-tear, or break Through walls. The visiting Professor presented all in a plastic Packed “coconut snake”, and told that she had bought in an Arab sweets shop in Jaffa, the Oriental-influenced suburb of Tel Aviv.

As the man behind the counter learned that the sweets are for Swiss students, he demanded spontaneously only half the price. “Hey, you’re popular in the world!”, Lizzie Doron calls with arms outstretched. She herself has eaten any coconut snake, nor the members of your family. The Reason For This? “I consume, in principle, no products manufactured by settlers in the occupied territories.” The sweets come from a factory owned by a Orthodox Jew. And in Jaffa, one of the few cities in Israel, the share of Arabs and Jews, they are sold in a Arab Store. “Yes,” says Lizzie Doron, “welcome to my complicated world.”

“The ancestors of my mother hunters of the Central Switzerland were 400 years ago in the Wild.”

The 66-Year-old with dark blond curls wearing a dark pea coat, a pant and Sneakers with the inscription “We love Karl”. In this complicated world, it is also so that in the meantime, the German DTV-publishing is your publishing home port and their books are first published in the German language. Your last two books on the middle East conflict, and especially about difficult friendships with Palestinians found in Israel, no publishing more. “Sweet Occupation” had been recently published, using the Goethe-Institut in Hebrew, says Doron, “but the resonance is low, there are hardly any meetings, no one wants to make Interviews with me.”

In Switzerland, the weird Paradise

As Lizzie Doron at a conference in Rome in 2009, a Palestinian from East Jerusalem, got to know – in the discussion you had referred to the state of Israel as a “psychiatric hospital for post traumatic charged the Jews” – and started to write about the strange lives of their “enemies” and their prejudices and Fears, was the former flagship author, a time, an outsider. “I’m a sort of eternal Jew,” says Lizzie Doron. “I can be in Israel and leave the country, but I’m actually a writer in exile.”

One of these exile stations in Switzerland is now: “It’s a weird place, a kind of Paradise in which the people are very stationary,” she says. The Swiss don’t want big travel, she didn’t notice, “while I live in a country where the people have lost shelters in their apartments, family members in Wars, are trimmed, listening to the sound of the sirens, and a second Pass need for emergencies.” The small country in the middle of Europe knows the author quite well, in Zurich, the best friends of Lizzie Doron, and your man: the life of the Basmans, fashion design couple. She points to her jacket and laughs: “This is Basman. As a family we have made regularly holiday together.”

The clouds break movie? Lizzie Doron smiles wryly

To the family Basman son, Joel Basman, the successful young actor belongs to. How, then, did it Lizzie Doron in the big success of “cloudburst” in which he plays an Orthodox Jew who falls in love with a shiksa, a non-Jewish woman? Lizzie Doron forces a smile. She is through and through secular, and you’ve asked yourself, “what is not to be Jews for a presentation by the Jewish, when you see this Film plays with clichés, but also exhibits”.

in addition to many readings and discussions, Lizzie Doron, head to this half of the year in Switzerland on the trail. It collects documents and is working on a book about their family history. She has found Amazing: “I have Swiss roots,” she says, laughing. “The ancestors of my mother were in front of 400 about years, the wild hunter in the Central Switzerland.” They would have hunted animals, among other things, to make the horns, the shofar horn in the Jewish Religion, ritual purposes, and the proposed sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham is remembered.

Because not all of the horns for the shofar to be suitable, and began Dorons of ancestors, beer mugs made of Horn manufacture. “There are still those beer mugs in the Lucerne brewery high village.” Later, their ancestors had been expelled (“because you have too many animals shot”), settled in the vicinity of Vienna, and were finally on the territory of today’s Poland, who, when the Nazis set out to exterminate the European Jews.

Against the “simple stories”

her parents were both Holocaust Survivors, she grew up as a single child with the mother (“It was a kind of Ghetto in the South of Tel Aviv, with around 100 families, all of whom have survived the Holocaust”), while she knew the father who lived for his tuberculosis in a Sanatorium and died early, barely. Doron recalls that the Silence and the silence in the quarters of their Childhood, dominated. Your mother told little of her past.

Two years after her mother died, should her daughter in the teaching of history history hold a lecture on the family. Lizzie Doron said, more to himself: “This will be a short lecture: the Holocaust, no documents, no photos, no stories.” The daughter was shocked and began to cry. This Moment was marked by Lizzie Doron in the beginning of your research on your family.

her books have been in Israel immensely popular and part of school reading. Doron was a Star and was revered, it was the Silence of thousands of Jewish families in which the Holocaust was a taboo, a literary voice.

As they began the second taboo broke, the bridge dared to write with empathy about Israel’s “enemies”, about “terrorists”, came against an unspoken consensus. In doing so, only the fought, the the Nigerian author Chimamanda Adichie calls the “simple stories”: simple stories, working with stereotypes. “If we hear only a single story about another Person, about another country, says Doron, “then we Would deprive people of their”.

11. As a result, Lizzie Doron, a public Workshop on “reminders” at the University of Bern (10.15 am–12.30 PM, seminar room 216, Mittelstr. 4). 17. December at 18, she is a guest at the sofa talking (English) in the house of the religions, of the square of Europe, Bern.

Created: 10.12.2019, 13:20 PM