“In the Spanish policy is just outside of the sidewalls remains.”
“the Spanish elections will not sort out the chaos”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“Over the past decade, Spain has emerged as one of south europe’s most stable countries. When Italy and Greece brakat together in the political chaos have the spaniards done.”
“But that was then. Tomorrow is held the third Spanish parliamentary elections in four years, but very little to suggest that the political situation will be clarified.”
“the Elections were called after the socialist prime minister Pedro Sánchez did not get through his budget in February. He had been prime minister in eight months.”
“He came to power after the conservative prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, after a vote of no confidence in June 2018. With the promise to make up with nedskärningspolitik and corruption increased the number of votes cast quickly Sánchez socialists PSOE.”
“But since the party only controls 84 of 350 mandate you; you have been forced to cooperate with the vänsterpopulisterna Podemos and nationalistpartier from the Basque country and Catalonia in order to be able to govern the country.”
“It was the Partido Popular to freaking out. The government has on the newspaper pages, presentations, political meetings and debates have been described for illegitimate and dangerous for the country. Pablo Casado, the Partido popular national new leader, has taken the opportunity to call Sánchez criminal and terroristkramare. “
“It is a rhetoric that does not help the Partido Popular. Instead, it has prepared the stage for the Vox, a right-wing party formed six years ago by the previous Partido Popular politicians.”
“Before the winter of 2018, the synthesis they are not in the polls, but högerväljares dissatisfaction over the Catalan death and refugee flows across the Mediterranean sea lifted the party. Vox has declared war against the progressive rättighetspolitik as He pushed and now looks to be third or fourth largest party. The Partido Popular party is bleeding voters and has oriented itself even more to the right.”
“the Election campaign has hardly been about the high rate of unemployment, the budget deficit, the bråddjupa the gaps or the economic slowdown. Still growing PSOE and looks to do its best election result in ten years. But it grows on Podemos expense, but for the sake of it reach the majority together with them. “
“Within the party there are now voices for a collaboration in the middle, with högerliberala Ciudadanos. But Ciudadanos has also radicalized and would rather rule with the Vox. The middle is simply not there.”
“How it will be possible to control such a country remains to be seen.”