The Outlook point in front of the White house is one of the most visited of all: correspondents from all over the world to announce your News, climate activist Greta Thunberg railed against Trump, and mountain bikers Nino Schurter showed him his naked butt.

Today, a couple of black guys for operation. “Hydration Station,” they cry and make the sale of your ice-cold beverages the business of your life. A heat wave has gripped the East coast, in Washington D. C. it’s awfully hot this weekend. So oppressively hot, that the Metropolitan Police asks Twitter a question, to lay any criminal activities for the coming week – then cooling is announced.

tourists, overheated, exhausted, pushing yourself on a few square metres – so there he is, the gleaming white Palace, you can see practically on a daily basis in the news. Pretty far away, much further away, as it has on TV the impression. Several black iron fences separate the fountain from the manicured lawn with the spring. “Do not enter” warns every five meters there is a sign. All ten meters of a black Chevrolet Suburban with tinted Windows and the engine running so the air conditioning cools down. Every twenty meters there is a checkpoint, of each officer car with a German shepherd dog searches.

get rid of secret agents, they told us. Maybe the suit on the scooter, the counter rolls us for the third Time? The Jogger? The Asian woman on the Park bench? Who knows!

Where can you see President Trump live?

Here he lives and reigns so, Donald Trump, the most powerful man in the world. At the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, 135 rooms, 35 bathrooms, a swimming pool, tennis court, cinema and bowling alley. Predecessor, Barack Obama wanted to be a basketball field, President Trump has a lot of great TV install. Over all, the Stars and Stripes blow proudly. Action! Three heavily armed men on the roof! What now? Go Trump, comes Trump? Water-seller, Martin, more pants (Calvin Klein) Shorts, the ass, knows: “They just dropped him off,” Trump had landed an hour ago with the helicopter.

“Mister President” left the White house two hours into the weekend, says a police officer. Secret Service, FBI, Police – all of them sweating in the black uniforms – friendly information. What a lot of White-House-Spotter interested in, where you could be Mister Trump as the most likely to live to see, but it remains unanswered.

The Concierge at the posh Willard Hotel should know. The historical Hotel is located in the immediate vicinity of the White house. “You never see him,” says the Concierge just. Questions about Trump are not desired, the “great, unique” Willard Hotel, however, he has much to say. In the middle of the 19th century. Century had practically slept all of the US presidents in Willard, “Residence of the Presidents”,. Politicians were gone, the concept of lobbying was created in this elegant Lobby. Here is civil rights leader Martin Luther King in his famous speech, for the freedom and equality of the black U.S. population (“I Have a Dream gave”) the final touches.

“We want to be the best Hotel in the world.”Jason, Manager at the Trump Hotel

Trump trailer, however, prefer the Trump Hotel, just a few Blocks away. It is not the biggest, but certainly the most historic Hotel in the city. Before it reopened in 2016 as a luxury hotel, the Old Post Office as a public office building. In the giant hall, huge chandeliers and American flag hanging. “We want to be the best Hotel in the world”, says the Manager, Jason, “only the sky is the limit.” Mister Trump dined every night in his Hotel? The question goes in the Blank: “whether politicians or tourists – all are welcome.”

Washington, D. C. (670’000 inhabitants), the center of the (political and legal) Power: White House, Capitol, Supreme Court, the three constitutional powers, all are here. The district is a stronghold of the Democrats, only four percent of the population have elected in 2016, Donald Trump for President. Yves, a native Cameroonian, whose Ice-Cream-Truck will bring in this weekend is a nice chunk, holds a lot of Trump: “He is brass up the world.” What bothers Yves especially: “Since Trump is in Power, it is okay to be openly racist.”

Trump is a racist? No, says Carol, an older Lady, in the fine district of Georgetown, is a Bed and Breakfast. Trump is through and through American, a true Patriot. But the elderly Lady is worried about the “divided country”. The Future? “I’m a Christian,” you believe in God, not in the policy.

The pulse of life in and around the National Mall

green spaces, trees, spacious squares, fountains, museums, monuments, and powerful, ivory-colored building in Downtown Washington shape. A relaxed city, you go by foot, rent a bike or scooter. Life pulsates around the National Mall: The three-Kilometer-long Park (site of protest actions and Jogging Paradise) leads from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol, in the middle, the Washington Monument towers, the landmark of the city. With 169 metres, by far the highest Structure – no high-rise may make the obelisk competition.

drenched in sweat, we stand in the queue in front of the headquarters of the Congress of the United States of America. Anyone looking for under the canopy of the Capitol Visitor Center shadow, is harshly sent off: “Stay in line”, commands the belt of the Police Officer, Hand on Pistol. The tour is free of charge, also most of the museums don’t charge admission. The input control is, however, fastidious than at the airport, the list of prohibited objects long: drinks, food and everything you use is somehow as a weapon could. After all, the gum goes through.

“Enjoy air conditioning”, wishes of the employees at the ticket counter. In fact, it is fresh here, a Sweater you should always have it. We are sitting in a full cinema hall, 13 minutes, the pathetic, the Patriotic retrospect, takes on the political history of the country. No chip bags rustling, no one pulls on the tube. Wow! What a hall. We stand in the Rotunda between Martin Luther King and Thomas Jefferson. John, our tour guide, reports about the headphones explains, the painting of the ceiling in the top of the dome, “Apotheosis of Washington”, was as large as a baseball field.

Michael dreams of a Job as a dishwasher

Quickly John leads in the Statuary Hall. Not just a lot of info, just do not overdo it with the year numbers, rather a Joke here and there: John says that among the 100 well-known U.S. citizens, the Statue of John Gorrie of Florida is located. The inventor of air conditioning – today, at over 40 degrees Celsius, probably the most important man in the room. After a 45-minute tour John dismisses us in the gift Shop. All products are US-made, is emphasised here. Exceptionally in the United States, where, even under Trump even Jeans and Boots come from China.

Washington is a wealthy city with a high average income, but with large social problems. The number of residents who obtain food assistance from the state, is one of the highest in the country. The homeless, especially African-Americans, drawn from alcohol and drugs are omnipresent. In the vicinity of the Capitol, in front of a 24/7 store, sits a young man on the ground, and solves a crossword puzzle. Michael is 26 and has the teeth of an old man. For 13 years he lived on the street, “Paradise City” on his Shirt. To the homeless shelter Michael does not want “too dangerous”. Also, the Begging is an abomination to him, he dreams of a Job as a dishwasher. His life had become since Trump is worse, Obama didn’t care about the Homeless.

“We all use – from the homeless to the President.”Vida Ali, Ben’s Chili Bowl

The Sweat is running down, and a Block – it is simple, in the metropolis of the Orient: The East-West streets are in alphabetical order, all of which are in North-South direction and numbered consecutively. Our destination: Ben’s Chili Bowl. The legendary Snack bar in the U Street, where from the 1920s to the 1940s, the jazz clubs lined up. Today, the Afro-Americans of the hip, well-to be White from the pretty brick houses displaced.

The neighborhood is changing, the Chili recipe in Ben’s Chili Bowl since 1958 unchanged. The queue at the counter is long. It was always like that, says Vida Ali, for 61 years, the family business had not closed a single day. All want to Half the Original Chili-Smoke – warm bun, sausage, mustard, onions and “spicy chili sauce” – for 6.99 dollars.

photos of Celebrities and politicians plaster the walls; Hillary Clinton, the couple Sarkozy and, of course, Ex-President Obama were here. Only the photo of Donald Trump is missing. Whether he would be as welcome? Vida Ali says: “We serve everyone from the homeless to the President.” To have Obama’s times supplied the “Half-Smoke” even in the White house. Trump, however, is not a Chili Fan. He likes his Burger with Ketchup.

The trip was supported by the Capital Region USA

Created: 05.10.2019, 17:15 PM