“Infected gränsfråga theme in Trump’s speech”
“Gränsmuren against Mexico. Abortion and medical research. A possible summit with the Dprk.”
“Just hours remain before president Trump keeps his State of the Union address to the nation. That border security will be an important theme of the witness presidentparets guest list.”
“When Donald Trump during the night to Wednesday, set out in the congressional pulpit he will see out over more democrats than republicans, because the Democrats at the autumn kongressval with a large majority took over the government in the house of representatives.”
“But there are lines with a more sympathetic audience. It is tradition to presidentparet invite their own guests to the Capitol, and not infrequently narrated their life stories in the century.”
“How Trump is navigating the delicate border issue remains to be seen. A few days ago dismissed the congress negotiations on the strengthening of border security that are in progress, which are supposed to prevent the close down of the state apparatus, to resume on February 15. Instead, reiterated his threat to declare a state of emergency to get money to the wall.”
“– You will see what happens immediately after the State of the Union, ” he said to reporters.”
“But the White house has also promised a politically unifying message, which indicates that the president would declare a state of emergency.”
“Among the Trumps of guests is also a mother who abused opioids, but now is out on the other side, an agent who is specialized in the trafficking and the people who survived the masskjutningen in a synagogue in Pittsburgh in October – suggesting that Trump could launch initiatives to strengthen the judicial system.”
“the President is predicted to also launch a crackdown against the spread of hivu002Faids and stress his opposition to abortion, according to the Politico. It is speculated even if Trump intends to publish its second summit with the north Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un – despite the fact that a UN report the other day showed that north Korea is not nedrustar but rather protects its nuclear weapons.”
“the Congress, the senate consists of 100 members elected on the sexårsmandat. The house of representatives has 435 members who are elected for two years.”
“the close down of parts of the american state apparatus was initiated on 22 december of last year. It lasted 35 days and was the most protracted in the country’s history.”
“the close down touched the nine significant agencies and ministries, among them the department of homeland security, as well as a number of smaller ones that jointly accounted for slightly more than 20 per cent of the state apparatus. About 800 000 government workers were laid off or worked without pay.”
“the Reason was a budgetbråk caused by president Donald Trump’s requirements at the equivalent of 50 billion to a boundary wall against Mexico – a request which was not gone to get through congress. It has led to that the budget is missing for the closed authorities.”
“When the close down was finished it was the congress, and Trump agreed to let the costs run in three weeks, to February 15. During that time, congress and the White house negotiate on the strengthening of border security, including a wall or barrier. Failure to agree to threaten a new closure.”