Two dog dealers and smuggled puppies from Italy and the Ukraine in Switzerland, has been placed by the authorities of the craft. They had introduced at least 17 puppies illegally into the country. Four puppies had to be euthanized due to disease risk.

The two dog smugglers from Italy and the Ukraine have adopted in September 2016 regular dog puppies from their home countries illegal in Switzerland, as the Swiss Federal customs administration announced on Friday. This had caught the smugglers team, together with the cantonal veterinary office of Basel-Stadt.

Overall, could be proven to the Duo of the illegal commercial trade with 17 puppies. The authorities assume that more animals were being smuggled, such as Michael Steiner, media spokesman for the Swiss Federal customs administration, declared at the request of Keystone SDA.

The dog-dealer, forged vaccination certificates, the injured animal to police regulations, had circumvented customs regulations, and oppressed by taxes and value added taxes. Thus, they achieved higher profits. The small dogs were sold via the Internet platforms with fake documents to private persons in the different cantons.

Due to rabies risk

The euthanized from the Ukraine four puppies smuggled were due to an “acute rabies risk” by the veterinary services of the cantons put down. The risk was, because in the Eastern European country, the so-called urban appearance of rabies.

another part of the 17 discovered the puppy was already at the deceived recipients. This could keep the small dogs, there appears to be no legal or veterinary medical concerns.

The two dog traders have been charged by the customs administration. You have to pay a fine in the amount of several Thousand francs. Until a legally enforceable judgment, the presumption of innocence applies.


Created: 05.04.2019, 15:29 PM