the ROME – Touch the billion euro the economic value of the Italian NGOS active in humanitarian aid. You learn from Info-Cooperation as a point of reference for the community of operators in the International Cooperation. To be precise, the sum of the statements of revenue entered voluntarily into the portal opendata Open co-operation from the 120 most important Italian organizations came in above the 943 million, but this is a given even partial, is intended to significantly exceed the billion of euro.

A growing commitment more than 28.7%, between 2015 and 2018. The economic data of the non-governmental sector is in constant growth in the last five years despite the reduction of public funds allocated to development aid and the pressure of the media which has seen NGOS under attack in the last 3 years for the events related to the activities of search and rescue in the central Mediterranean. The most 7.5% is the increase between 2017 and 2018, more by 28.7% growth between 2015 and 2018. Stable instead, the composition of revenues, for the NGOS the relationship between public funds and private funds is also attested in 2018, respectively in the proportion 60% and 40%.

From where does the money come from. , The public funding to NGOS come from the so-called institutional lenders:
– nearly 35% by the Italian Agency for Cooperation (AICS) and the MAECI Ministry of Foreign affairs)
– another 35% by the European Union (EU+Echo)
– almost 20% from the local authorities through the decentralized Cooperation
– the remaining 10% from the agencies of the United Nations and other international organizations.
– private funds, in addition to those arising from the donations of the liberal individual, come through the channel of tax of 5×1000 (36,8%), donations, or partnerships with the companies (30,8%), by the philanthropy of Foundations (24,9%), and churches (7.5 percent).

The NGO “pioneer of transparency.” Increases the propensity to spread of the data, the NGOS – according to the report, Info-Cooperation – confirmed to be a forerunner in the field of responsibility and transparency. Also Open thanks to the Cooperation, more and more organizations in the sector make available to the public economic information and management like no other actor of civil society. In 2018, 49 organizations have reached a rank of the transparency of more than 95%, in 2015 were less than half. In the last four years increased by 10% the number of organizations that submit their financial statements to an external certification performed by auditors is the independent audit. Today, 90% of NGOS with a budget exceeding 1 million euro on a budget certificate. A very positive trend that goes well beyond the dictates of the law, and anticipates the spirit of the reform of the Third Sector provides, starting from the next year’s obligations of transparency for all the entities of the third sector.

“The NGOS respond with facts to the allegations of opacity”. “The NGOS – underlines Luca De Frai, deputy secretary-general of Action Aid italy – moved to first to give the account in full transparency of their work and to respond with facts to the allegations on the opacity of budgets and donations. Can be an example to follow for the rest of the third sector. The project is Open to Cooperation – he added – makes now in its fifth year and shows that non-governmental organisations in italy, and their mobilization on the front of the transparency and responsibility are at the forefront in making more clear the path that makes each euro invested in humanitarian aid”.

“The denial resounding of the campaigns of defamation”. “I Believe that this commitment to transparency of NGOS – according to Elias Gerovasi, creator and curator of the project of Open co-operation – will continue to bring its benefits in the long-term and belies the sensationally smear campaign that some political forces continue to operate to the detriment of Non-Governmental Organizations. It is precisely those political forces that, in the matter of transparency, instead, the macroscopic problems and, in some cases, have already been sentenced to indemnify the state (for example, the 49 million of Alloy) or in other cases to handle so opaque finances, political foundations and associations should take an example from the NGO to account in a transparent and effective way of public and private funds that they perceive”.

human resources: in Italy and abroad, more than 22 thousand people. To grow, however, is not only the economic value, increasing the human resources employed in the sector in Italy and abroad exceeded 22 thousand. Are 3.114 operators used in Italy and 19.234 abroad, 53% men and 47% women. For the operators in Italy remains high-the share of permanent contracts (over 45%), just over 10% have fixed-term contracts, 29% is contracted to the project, and 15% through advice to VAT. This community is then added to the invaluable contribution of volunteer work. There was also growth In the human resources mobilised by NGOS in the voluntary sector. The active volunteers and Civil Service volunteers who have worked for NGOS in 2018 reached 21.460, an increase of almost a thousand units.

The geography of cooperation stabilizes the map of the international cooperation of the Italian NGOS. The summit is confirmed by the african states: Kenya, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Senegal, Burkina faso and Congo will strengthen as the countries most visited and helped by NGOS. Only countries non-african in the top 10 are Brazil, Palestine, Bolivia, India and Peru. Education and education remains the dominant themes of the projects of NGOS (83%), 73% is engaged in the development of skills and training, and 71% health and health care. To follow the support to rural development and humanitarian aid (67%).

TOP 10 organisations. Finally, the charts. Like every year, are listed on the Open Cooperation, the rankings of the organizations that have registered the highest values (budgets, human resources, donors, volunteers, projects, etc.). In the last year, the financial statements economic of the 15 largest Italian NGOS grow to over 72 million euros (+11%). Some NGOS with long experience in the Italian panorama record

important increases in budget:
Coopi, Doctors with Africa CUAMM and AVSI that increase their revenue, respectively, 44%, 26% and 22%.

increasing, but content:
Save the Children and Doctors Without Borders, in spite of the direct involvement in the activities of search and rescue in the Mediterranean.

In the push-ups: Cesvi, Emergency and Cies.

Important, however, to clarify that… The rankings and the values mentioned above relate to data entered into the database of Open co-operation in relation to the year 2018. The data update in real time on the basis of what is progressively inserted and published by the organizations independently and voluntary. The data relating to trends in multi-annual refer to a homogeneous sample of organizations that have entered data in the last 4 years (2015-2016-2017-2018). All the data mentioned above refer to the values listed on the portal Open Cooperation on January 15, 2020.

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