René Redzepi, Noma is world famous for regional ingredients from nature. They call but the Ferment-that is, the preservation by enzymes and bacteria, the mainstay of the Restaurants. What now?
Of our guests, we hear again and again that our courts are so simple, but at the same time, strikingly good taste – a crucial role in the process of Fermentation plays safe. Sometimes four, five drops of a liquid, we have brewed for a long time to make a big difference. You know it from the Sushi until the sushi master is a, two drops of soy sauce on a bite, it gets to a certain extent, magical. So who has a whole laboratory, with Fermentation, which can differ actually from other Restaurants.

you say that Fermentation is due to the associated with often the perfect mix of acidity, Sweetness, saltiness, and Umami cooking club times. Good food so simple?
Straight to home can it really be so easy – if you know how to get this going. You take a handful of spinach and Basil, steam these two ingredients in the Butter – also the result of a Fermentation, and then add a little seasoning sauce made from fermented beef: it’s unbelievable how good this tastes.

you have devised will be examined in the Noma to the laboratory, where the principles of Fermentation, from the creative area, where dishes, separately. Why?
One of the reasons for this is the fact that Fermentation sometimes takes up to months; the creative work is, however, something Daily, something Exciting. It makes simply little sense, these two distinct processes spatially. But: The staff of the laboratory are meeting with our Creative. And the.

“There are areas in which foods have been fermented, so that the heat could not harm you.”

Is not a fresh berry delicious as a salted?
If you crave a fresh berry, then you must be as fresh as possible. If you want to but with berries cooking, it’s a different matter.

asked Differently, the result is Fermentation, only then sense, if the Winter is long as is the case in Denmark?
Basically, you have maybe right. In fact, many fermentation were invented techniques in cooler areas, in Scandinavia, Korea and Japan. But there are also many examples to the contrary. I think of Italy and France, where vinegars and wine play a major role. Or Anchovies. There are areas like this, we must not forget, in which dishes have been fermented, so that the heat could not harm them. You think of Garum, the fish sauce made from fish that was already the case with the ancient Romans popular.

“The Fermentation is gone in our latitudes forget.”Photo: Laura Lajh Prijatelj

Why you write in the book of Kimchi, sourdough bread, Parmesan cheese, salt, cucumber and soy sauce – and claim that Fermentation has no boundaries.

How is it that we devoted the heat in the last decades more attention than the Fermentation?
Actually forget the Fermentation only in our latitudes, because we have the cabinets you due to technical progress, for example, because the cooling no longer necessary. But the Japanese cuisine, for example, is not, until today, without this technology does not seem conceivable.

Will increase their status in the us?
Without a doubt. Because we can use them to make more exciting dishes. Add to this that in digital times, as now, the Ferment is a very analog experience.

to you it is clearly better, they say, if you eat fermented food. The are so healthy?
One should not generalize, of course, beer, wine and liquor are also fermented products… I want to only speak for myself, but if I take every day a spoonful of Kimchi to me, I’m good. Because in order to feel good, must be the whole of the intestinal flora in order, and fermented food with safety have an impact.

so We get all the late night abdominal discomfort with Kimchi?
Absolutely, but you need to eat such foods regularly, of course.

you want to achieve with the book, that their findings take home feeding.
Yes, the book is intended for experimental Hobby cooks and professional chefs.

A Restaurant wants guests to stay at home?
we eat only on special occasions. Cooking at home is much more commonplace, even if many people have to their work. I really believe that fermented products everyday cooking easier and faster. You do not need to produce the ingredients, Yes, not necessarily from the beginning itself, you can for example paste also just high-quality Apple cider vinegar, and some excellent Miso and a really good soy sauce shopping. With the three ingredients you will bring your cooking to a higher Level, guaranteed!

How specifically?
Take a pot of boiling water, add a handful of parsley. And while you puree the Whole thing, taste it with the three ingredients. The result will taste as if it was a full meal – it’s just water and parsley.

And if I now want to ferment in fact, even – what a simple starting point would be?
lactose-acid-Fermentation is a really simple process. You take a jar, put a Kilo of berries and 20Gramm salt. Mix the Whole and cover it. At room temperature, let the two to six days. From this, two ingredients arise the same: fermented berries, and a fermented liquid.

What do I do with it?
When I’m working with blueberries, the juice, mixed with a little Oil, to fruits excellent raw sea. And the berries are used to make a Sauce to roast meat. For this, you add in the still hot frying pan and add some wine and Butter.

with bacteria, mold fungi and yeasts. You write: “Between putrefaction and Fermentation is only a fine dividing line is.” Where are the dangers?
of Course, I recommend to read also the sections on food safety and health in the book . . . And who is not an ingredient is safe, whether it is still edible, you better. It’s like when you learn how long fish stays fresh and tasty – at some point you can handle, and white on the basis of the smell and the appearance, when you should eat something.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 30.03.2019, 09:30 PM