“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Alliance defending freedom is classified as a ”hate” and oppose the rights of women and homosexuals. Still partnered leading christian Democrats with them. It reveals, ETC.”

“That the Christian democrats are not scrutinized as other parties became abundantly clear in last Sunday’s Agenda in the SVT. During the last week, it was revealed that Lars Adaktusson, second vice-president of KD, has been the keynote speaker at a hatmöte in Colombia oppose abortion and lobbies against gay rights organised by the ultra-conservative Political Network for Values.”

“the Network’s president, Jaime Mayor Oreja, was formerly called Franco’s fascist dictatorship in Spain”

“Despite the scandal appeared Lars Adaktusson in the Agenda, as he had previously been the presenter of the programme, without getting a single question about this. Not the Ebba Busch Thor, or any other KD-leaders have pressed for an answer.”

“yesterday, revealed ETC additional bothersome information about Lars Adaktusson. He has, during his time as an Mep on two occasions invited the u.s. högerkristna organization Alliance defending freedom (ADF), and has participated in the organization’s meetings. “

“ADF calls itself a ”legal army” and the organization’s over 2,000 lawyers the world over are pushing the case against the right to abortion and gay rights. The prestigious human rights organization the Southern Poverty Law Center has classified the ADF as a hate along with, among others, the Ku Klux Klan.”

“In Sweden, the organization is perhaps best known for being behind the campaign for midwives Ellinor Grimmark and Linda Steen who, for religious reasons refused to perform abortions. With abortmotståndarnas language is called to refuse women abortvård ”

“Talking of how they work.”

“Barnmorskekampanjen is telling for how the ADF works. By claiming imaginary rights ”

“the Christian democrats have a long history of involvement in underlivsfrågor of various kinds. The party was formed in 1964 as a protest against, among other things, that kristendomsundervisningen was taken away in school, and since then has also been critical to the aborträtten and opposed rights for gay people.”

“Unreliable if aborträtten”

“today is a wording fuzzy, and the party is talking about”

“But the real motive is, of course, to the Christian democrats in the basis is the same party that they always have been.”

“It’s the same thing with gay rights. Outward says KD that they are for everyone’s equal value, but they opposed, for example, same-sex marriage, and, last year all went to the party except Ebba Busch Thor and Jimmie Åkesson in the pride parade in Stockholm. Busch Thor kept his sommartal at the same time as the parade, but without even mention of LGBT issues.”

“Want to criminalize homosexuality”

“Lars Adaktusson is not alone. According to the ETC has several other high-ranking christian democrats cooperated with the right MIX. No other party could get away something like that. In both MP and SD have politicians instead been forced to quit after similar scandals.”

“To KD, on the contrary, accepts the cooperation with the ADF, a hate which, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, among other things, want to criminalize homosexuality, actually says it all.”

“The respected human rights organization the Southern Poverty Law center (SPLC) defines the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) as a hate. “

“ADF was founded in 1994 by around thirty leaders of the christian right in the united states and has its headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. Name until 2012 was ”Alliance Defense Fund”.”

“the ADF has encountered återkriminalisering of homosexuality in the united states, and the criminalisation of homosexuality in other countries.”

“the Group argues that a ”homosexual agenda” will destroy the christian world and society.”

“the Organization has according to the SPLC has an annual budget of 30 million dollars and partnered with about 2200 lawyers around the world.”