“Labour law is not one of Sweden’s major problems”

“TCO: Focus on the important issues instead, politicians”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The president’s announcement of a timetable for further work on the choice of prime minister has increased the pressure on the political parties. Different partiföreträdares statements also confirm that there is sakpolitiska discussions on a new government. It is a good thing. “

“Sweden needs a stable government that can continue to develop all that Sweden is good at the same time as it takes to deal with our common challenges. “

“On a wide range of areas are in need of reform that cannot be postponed: the school, the climate, defense, housing, equality and pensions. After the recent years of rapid throw, Sweden needs to find a long-term humane, fair and orderly asylum. “

“We also find ourselves in a time when freedom of speech and democracy as such need to be safeguarded.”

“The biggest problem in the Swedish labour market is the lack of manpower with the right skills. When companies can’t find staff held the growth back. “

“When there are too few nurses, police officers and teachers increases the queues while the quality and safety reduces. Therefore, the needed comprehensive reforms to ensure that competence is maintained. “

“It’s all about study finance and a flexible educational offer which is also suitable for professionals later in life. “

“in Order to create a basis for the other reforms, the need for long-term and blocköverskridande tax reform that favors the training, responsibility and entrepreneurship, at the same time that it provides sufficient revenue to welfare. “

“the Focus should be to reduce taxes on work and instead switch over to consumption, capital and taxes on environmentally harmful activities. “

“There are plenty of questions for the political parties to discuss. The need for reforms in key areas, a government with enough support to get through its policies, can take decisive steps to build Sweden’s future.”

“the question The past week received the most attention, however, is not such. “

“the Parties have confirmed that the labour law is the subject of intense discussion, despite the fact that few would argue that a weaker employment protection is central to meet some of the challenges Sweden is facing, or to build the future of Sweden. “

“the level of employment protection was discussed sparingly in the electoral process, despite the social Democrats’ demands on the tightening and the Centre party and the Liberal requirements in the downturns. “

“The easiest solution to unlock the political knot is that all parties drop their demands changes in the law, and allows the social partners manage the development of the regulatory framework on the labour market.”

“Time and again, the trade unions and the employers together demonstrated the ability to deal with sensitive and difficult policy to manage. Etableringsjobben is just the latest example. “

“But it is best done on our terms, not by the policy press on one party, or the right to lay out the orders of the independent parties.”

“furthermore, Legislation is a blunt instrument. A detail of a compromise in a regeringsförhandling can have far-reaching consequences. The social partners have the knowledge required for any changes to work practical and do not have unforeseen effects. “

“it is important Now for political leaders is capable of making the right priorities. Sweden is one of the world’s best countries to live and work in but we can and need to be developed. “

“It requires the hearty reforms in several key areas. Labour law is not one of them.”

“nEva Nordmark, president, TCO”

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