many of the readings, it is customary that the author or the author’s own books signed. In Leipzig at the book fair because of the semi-stundentakts, in which the events take place is not often possible, but here and there. As Feridun Zaimoglu is late on Friday afternoon after his reading at the literary café at the back of the hall for 5 minutes before many of his Fans, twenty, thirty people, so sign a copy of his new novel “the story of The woman”, to exchange a few words, or old Acquaintances again. Zaimoglu is a well-established, successful author, as the crowds prove, according to his reading. But he admits at the edge that got him pretty annoyed, not the fiction prize of the Leipzig book fair won.

Barely slept from excitement

The day before, he had said on the Blue Sofa, that he had the night before, barely slept, him ill-will, if he only think of it, and the decision was a promulgation of such a redemption. Now he is disappointed, annoyed to be about it, disappointed, and to dwell too much with the Jury of critics. You would have thought, so relaxed and cool Zaimoglu mostly. But there is a history that surrounds at least a touch of tragedy: Zaimoglu sat for the seventh Time in a ceremony in the expectation of winning a prize, either in Frankfurt, where every year the German book prize is awarded, or here in Leipzig.

This may actually annoy at some point (but Leonardo Di Cabrio needed eight attempts for an Oscar!). In principle, gram seemed to Zaimoglu, despite the nomination yet others, especially male critics to have been after the publication of “the story of The woman”. On the Blue Sofa he said that to him, his Pathos is not forgive the criticism, that he be taken with the means of literature, is clearly a party for the woman that he was using the high tone, the beautiful language, the beautiful word, to be the women. “That surprised me a lot. How Internet trolls have processed to me. The sound, almost as if I would have made this book a big fraud.“

Disappointed by the critics

The literature review here, there are the readers who are not oriented always in the criticism between the authors, to the it goes, the really Creative, of course, want to have a large audience, but just the recognition of the criticism: It is a difficult, complicated connection. Who knows that better than Takis Würger, even though he is just 33 years old and with “Stella” only his second novel has been written? “Stella” had been the beginning of the year for a full-blown literary-debate, after he had violently been torn away, as did, in turn, the success of the novel no harm.

Shrike pulls in Leipzig. Scores he now sits atop the podiums and interview, waiting on the applause from the audience, when he himself has no answer to certain questions about his novel, waving to people he knows in the audience.

but He is also a Moderator on the go. On Friday at noon Shrike sitting on the Stand of the German paperback publishing house (dtv), more precisely to the from bold, a dtv sub-label, the turns with books from social media-savvy author to a young reader audience, especially the digital natives, and interviewed a author who occurs as the Rapper Cro, only with a silver mask. Atticus, the mask man is, he was born in Canada, lives on the US West coast and is what is called nowadays an “Instagram-poet”. His poems are first published in Instagram, where he now has three-quarters of a million subscribers; the poems that are now published in a beautiful book such as this: “The Beautiful to the first love/the certainty/in our hearts/that is for ever.” Or: “To love much is too risky for me,/ said the young man./No, said the Old man,/it is much too risky to try it.“

longing for the Analogue

Many are pretty, some a bit cheesy, use lyric. It is noted, however, in spite of the mask, in spite of Instagram, the nostalgia for the Analog in Attikus. In front of him, and Shrike with a big old typewriter, which Attikus poems and lines for his Fans writes, that this put in a frame and you guys or girls can hang in the room. It is the re-transmission of the Digital into the Analog, so much feel and Fan – and a reminder fetishism must be. You can see it at the fair many stalls, how the youth is being courted, especially in the case of the literary publishers such as dtv or fishing with his Sci-Fi-Fantasy-Label gate, or in the case of Piper, where the publisher Felicitas of love mountain Laura Kneidl and Nina MacKay, with their All-Age-Fantasy-authors of scan. For Piper the essential revenue, beyond the demanding literature, which was laid here, of course, but it is precisely in times of crisis, economically just on the edge of significance.

And of crisis one can not speak, even if the power, as usual, at a trade fair be as noticeable. But as it is said Britta jürg’s, the Chairman of the Kurt Wolff Foundation at the award ceremony of the Kurt-Wolff-prize to the Merlin publishing house and of the award to the, in view of the insolvency of the largest book suppliers in the German-speaking countries, the KNV group: “Many small publishers lose a large part of their annual turnover. You will have trouble to fill this hole, and to not even be insolvent.“

small publishers are foundering

so Far, we have heard from the swirl of small publishers in the face of the KNV-insolvency still nothing, lurching do these publishers always, you are used to it. But the extent is discretionary, if a publisher like Voland & Quest called easy Pay: He has 65 000 euros in outstanding bills because of this insolvency, he has 12 percent of the annual turnover. In spite of various problems, such as the KNV group this year has been announced in Leipzig on with business as usual – the upsets, there was not, as in the past years, dealing with the rights of publishers, the real amount of points, or increased celebrity pay just as little, and in the end, this is perhaps the best thing that can happen to a show like Leipzig. Also, books are not always the best if you are on a spectacle.