“Life as a non-attached member in the EUROPEAN union – alone or free?”

“A defecting Jobbik member who has been identified as a Russian spy. The nazis and communists. Among the EU-parliament’s non-attached congregate the politicians that no others want.”

“How does it work actually to be non-attached member in Brussels? Who do you talk to?”

“Not many, if you ask Diane Dodds, who is a non-attached mep for northern ireland unionistpartiet DUP.”

“I know enough to not more than two-three of the other non-members actually,” she says to TT.”

“– Many of them I do not want to nor have contact with.”

“The northern party, which acted to some extent due to the prime minister, Theresa May, described as ärkekonservativt: DUP has been to retain tough restrictions on abortion and is opposed to people of the same sex get married.”

“the Party has not succeeded in finding its place in any of the eight groups that exist in parliament. Diane Dodds has thus joined the ranks of the currently more than 20 persons who are non-attached – in EU languages called “

” I could not be included in the EPP, they are for a federal Europe. I could not even among the conservatives, who are associated with the Whigs at home in northern Ireland, ” she says and continues:”

“– And EFDD is too much to the right, and which was not our party at all.”

“But the fact is that life as a non-attached is not always chosen. Politicians who fall out of favor and as the other turns their back can also end up being among the non-attached. The current lack of no swedes in the group. It does, however, Hungarian Jobbik, the Greek neo-nazi Golden dawn and the Communist party of Greece.”

“As a non-attached waiting for a political life that, in practice, means less influence and less speaking time in the debates. Harder to be heard and to be heard. Alone?”

“No, not according to former Ukip leader, Diane James – known to have resigned after just 18 days as the leader of the UNION-enemy of the british party Ukip in 2016. As a maverick, she was pretty soon even the non-attached member in the EUROPEAN parliament.”

“” I have total freedom. No one tells me how I should vote, behave, what to say, or when, she said happily to the TT before the end of the year.”

“When was Diane James, glad to escape the partipiskan. Since then, the politician joined in the Brexitpartiet and had time to return to the group she previously belonged to parliament – the EU-critical conservatives EFDD, where, among other Italian Femstjärnerörelsen sitting.”

“the Group can be a great support. But politics is all about contacts, not the group, believes Diane Dodds who think she managed to accomplish things in Brussels after all.”

“– For me this has worked. I have been able to contribute and have the time and everything else that is needed.”

“The majority of the EU parliament, members sit in a group and thus have greater influence and weight, for example, with regard fördelandet of places and positions in the committees.”

“at Least 25 meps from at least seven countries are required to start a group. Those who do not want or can agree on group membership becomes non-attached. By 24 June, the EU-parliament to have information about the groups that the elected parties have agreed.”

“IN the EUROPEAN parliament are meps and their parties are divided in eight different groups:”

“•the christian democratic conservatives of the EPP, among others, the German CDU and the Swedish M and KD, but also the Hungarian Fidesz.”

“•the Socialist S&D – with, for example, british Labour, German SPD, the Swedish S and FI.”

“•eurosceptic conservatives of the ECR with the Tories from the Uk, the Polish ruling party, Law and justice, the Dansk Folkeparti, the true finns and the SD.”

“•the Liberal Alde with the Swedish C and L, the Dutch VVD and the Danish Venstre.”

“•The grönau002FEFA – with miljöpartier as the German greens, French EELV and the Swedish MP, but also a number of regional parties like the scottish SNP and the welsh Plaid Cymru.”

“•intel releases the GUEu002FNGL– with, among others, the Greek Syriza, the Spanish Podemos, the German Die Linke and the Swedish V.”

“•EU-critical conservatives EFDD – with the start-up Brexitpartiet and Italian Femstjärnerörelsen. This set also SD a period of time.”

“•EU-hostile conservative ENF – with the French National collection, the Italian northern league, the austrian FPÖ and the Dutch PVV.”

“•non-attached – various members from all the between the left and right, including Hungarian Jobbik, the Greek Golden dawn, the northern irish DUP and the Communist party of Greece.”

“Source: european Parliament”