A young woman has declared that she the night of Friday has been raped in this centre of Midtjylland in Herning.

Police have arrested a man approximately 35 years in the barracks. He is to be charged for rape and manufactured in grundlovsforhør at 15.30.

Henning Præstegaard:, local exploration in Herning, confirms that the police in the morning got a voldtægts-review, and that the matter is investigated throughout the day. The rape must be perpetrated on Beredskabscenterets area in Herning.

Both the aggrieved woman and the accused has been forensically examined, and carried out forensic inquiries at the supposed crime scene.

the Police do not want to disclose the details of the accused, or his attachment to Beredskabscenteret.

Ekstra Bladet learns that there is talk about a member of staff of the Navy, who along with colleagues was training for røgdykker at the agency.

Participants were reportedly ‘in the city’ last night, where they met some girls who train in the barracks. It is otherwise not permitted to take guests to the rooms.

The injured woman is in the 20-year-aged.

– We have presented the result of investigations for the prosecutor’s office, which has assessed that there are grounds to request the arrested person in custody, says Henning Præstegaard:, lokalpolitiet in Herning.