of course, It is your boyfriend’s fault when you have an argument, when you get too little or the wrong sex, when he’s not taking you, as you will be, when the silence between the two of you resounds like thunder. Of course, it is his fault, you are in a bad mood, stressed out, and the kids are impossible.

You are angry, and it is his fault.

We have a breaking news for you: Maybe it’s actually your fault, maybe it is you who is the ass in the relationship.

Hørhov, what is it now? It can’t have its accuracy, thinking about you. Or even perhaps you may well go with that you can have a small part of the blame…

According to psychologist Steven Stosny, most can develop to behave like an asshole, who abuses her emotionally.

And it begins when your anger and bitterness fills more than your compassion. It can happen when you feel that you have the right to, yes entitled to be happy, which is our close so have a duty to ensure.

So when you are not happy, you can give your girlfriend is to blame.

Steven Stosny believes that this anger slowly built up, to, the bitterness has taken hold. And so manipulates you, demeans and hurts conscious your girlfriend.

Sex & cohabitation – 25. feb. 2018 – at. 21:23 Five signs that your relationship is in crisis

Seems you still don’t, it fits on you? So check out this list, which is relevant if you are a woman:

Get you ever your gf to feel like a failure as a husband, boyfriend, parent, lover, or parent?

do you Feel that all the time to say the same thing to your girlfriend again and again?

he Tells you that you occasionally yell, scream and or dangers up to him?

Tell your girlfriends you ever that you do not treat your girlfriend properly?

you automatically blame on him when something goes wrong?

you Can find to pig him and belittle him?

Degrade and belittle him, when there are others present?

Threatening you with taking the children from him, so he never see them again?

Are you often jealous and want to know where he is all the time?

Would your family and your friends be surprised about how you really treat him?

Ups, you could answer yes to a few of them, And if you could, here are a few things, as your girlfriend so probably are thinking or saying about you:

You are a common scold.

You are a freak.

You are not nice to be near.

I wish she let me be.

Nothing I do is good enough for her,

I feel I must go on listefødder.

Well, you found out that you go around and is an angry and bitter harp, who gives her boyfriend the blame for the most part?

Then you can do the following, i.e. in addition to the long-standing therapy. Become aware of the anger and bitterness that lies behind your abusive behavior, and behind the bitterness is probably a sense of shame and failure than to not feel good enough. But then, when you learn to love yourself, or at least hold of yourself, you are also better able to show compassion with your girlfriend.

Kiss & love – 14. apr. 2018 – at. 22:53 Four things you do that are ruining your relationship

Now, it should not seem as if it is only women who can behave as such as angry assholes in a relationship, so Steven Stosny have made a list for the bitter man:

do you Feel that she pushes all your buttons that make you angry?

she Has an ability to make you in a bad mood?

you Will once in a while to talk with or be near her?

do you Feel the need swallow kamper, until you can’t take it anymore?

she Does always things wrong?

In fine, and then suddenly does or she says things that get you to steep?

you Feel it once in a while, as you are standing right on the edge to get a bad night?

do you Feel that you will need to criticize her for being reliable or good enough?

do you Feel that she gets you to cry or shut down when you reality do not have the desire to shout or be in a bad mood?

do you Treat her in ways you could not imagine, when you were lovers?

you May indeed say so for some of the above, so say or think your lover is probably the following, which

He is so moody?

He sees and hears me not.

I feel like he owns me.

I can’t be myself, I will have to think, feel, and behave, as he will have it.

Nothing I do is good enough.

I feel I must go on listefødder.

Editorial addition: He reminds me damn Erik from Rytteriet.

Steven Stosny reports nothing about what to do when both in a couple are as above. Either they deserve each other and can thus drive each other to madness, divorce or death do they part. Until then, they can try with sizeable quantities of couples ‘ counselling.