Find an animal, kill it and prepare it.

the Concept in the tv-program ‘Nak & Devour’ is simple, and now it is also come in the school curriculum as an elective on the Vittenbergskolen in Ribe.

It writes the Jutland west Coast.

It is teacher Jacob Warming that has taken the responsibility to teach students about hunting and cooking.

I myself am an angler and outdoorsy, and I have seen the program that awakened my interest, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– We have always made different things and run some seminars. This year we thought to see if the program could be an entire subject.

Since christmas have the students each Tuesday afternoon had the opportunity to get the ‘Nak & Eat’ on the school curriculum, and it has so far been a success.

– They are just on. I’m surprised how little discerning they are. The pills eggs and egg yolks of chickens. The eggs is the inside of the stomach, and it prepares the blithely. Being eaten up each time, laughing Jacob Warming.

the Students do not even shooting the animals, but the subject does still close up of the television program.

– It differs a little, but as a starting point, it is all about, that we have an animal, we need to hunt, finds Jacob Warming.

– And if it is, for example, pheasants, we learn something about what fasanen. We must not shoot, but then we get them delivered by the hunters.

Students will also have permission to try to ‘neck’ some of the animals.

– We would even have the head of a hen, but it is the with on. There are two girls and 13 boys on the team, and the girls also go just for the. They have no problem with, says Jakob Warming.

the Students also try to fish, and, among other things, they have even caught and cooked rainbow trout.

When I was a boy, fished one, but many children have not learned – how to fish, go hunting, dismantles and prepares.

the Course is done in cooperation with local fiskeforeninger and hunting clubs. In addition to chase and make food, students are also allowed to try their hand at outdoor recreation. Among other things, they have over several weeks built their own camp.