Netflix ten-episode documentary series ”I am a killer” the highs are not many Swedish tipslistor. It is certainly about the murder, and everyone speaks English, but this is no överintelligent serial killer, a political cover up, murder. Not even the intricately staged homicidium in an English överklassby.

Here are just ten simple killer out of the american working class. Now on death row.

Honestly, the series is quite boring in their monotonous trot, every episode is the same: a man – in among behind the pane of glass – tells you who he is, where he comes from and what he has done to end up there. Following the sign: ”Since the death penalty was reinstated in the U.S. in 1976, has over 8,000 people sentenced to death. This is the story of a prisoner with the number # …” And so the families, the victims and the perpetrators, their own stories. As well as prosecutors, lawyers.

engångsmördare. A was 17 when he was sentenced to death. Some have been waiting for twenty years, on an injection, or of 2,000 volts through the body so it is heated up to 100 degrees and ögongloberna melts. Several welcome the frankly death. One says: ”What is the meaning of the death penalty if it is not applied?”

Produced it as a sin on them? No, this is no snyfthistorier. Laconically, some verserat that would be the ledarkolumnister, they tell only her fate, and the fate that met the victims and their relatives. Victims everywhere. Often by reflexive actions of the confused, high, stressed or declared young. All acknowledge the debt. Happened to drive a car when a friend jumped out and shot one another. Just hours before the motorist would be executed that sentence was commuted to life. Another went the other way, from life to death. Oh well. Two murdered prisoners, in one case, a pedophile, in order to ensure the transfer to death row.

And slowly becomes monotony striking. This alldaglighet, the similarity in the childhoods: absent or violent fathers. Mothers who beat. Parents who sent the kid. Children who never got a fairy tale told, not a hug, never heard that they were beloved, talented, good. No parent hejande at a sidlinje. One of the murderers was a happy boy among eleven siblings always given the blame, for everything. The sister explains in his section how the mother could come into the room and beat him to distraction when he was asleep.

children, in the worst cases, despised children.

What will become of the people? I will tell you.

There will be people so disappointed in life that they don’t care about death. As eight-year-old decides to never cry, never trust anyone, constantly ready to be let down. That takes each small success, for the rest of life, as a twist of fate or someone else’s mistake, every praise as a way to be manipulated. They manage to build a social life, they are lonely on the inside. Never pass the a relationship, always feel ashamed over their worthlessness. And will do anything to lose control with alcohol, drugs, violence, anything that breaks existence. For it is familiar.

just questions about crime and punishment, guilt and revenge. But also: What do we do with our children? But this agar, if not longer, Swedish children do not become murderers. Maybe not. But think about if they are neglected in other ways, you Swedish posörer to the parents. Consider, you who complain curlade kids, and for mild punishment, you now want to cut the children from the start with an ” F ” in the ordningsbetyg. And think about whether the 8,000 death sentences have deterred from murder.

A season two coming. Of course. The tragedy has no end.

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