It is a høyrisikoprosjekt that we have art in the world hanging on a regular schools, the regular nursing home, or out in the city, ” says Rina Mariann Hansen, commissioner for culture, sport and volunteering in the municipality of Oslo, to the Newspaper.

Dagbladet reveals: Valuable Munch-images are gone – without Munchmuseet was aware of it

In 2017 revealed the Newspaper that the 1642 work of art in the Oslo municipality’s art collection is listed as “not found”. On the list are, among other things, works by several highly acclaimed Norwegian artists.

After repeated criticism from kommunerevisjonen, set Kulturetaten in time a sorteringsprosjekt in 2013. The purpose was to get an overview of the art collection through site visit, tilstandsregistrering, art historical categorization and tiltaksvurdering.

Sorteringsprosjektet is also aimed to get an overview of how many works the municipality does not know where is. A work is “not found” if the municipality does not know where it is, but not know with certainty that it is “lost” (stolen, destroyed, lost long ago, etc.)

Sorteringsprosjektet is now completed, and a report is expected in the foreseeable future.

According to Hansen, it is difficult to say about the works that are categorized as “not found” is stolen, lost, or just moved to another office without that it has been registered.

the Figure says either nothing about whether it is valuable works, or things that have been erroneously included in the art collection.

Private festivalplakat

During a bystyremøte I got presented with a work from a former city commissioner in the Right, Grete Horntvedt. There she had taken home from his office, when she was finished as a city commissioner, she says.

the Image was registered in the collection, with stamp and registration number on the back.

It was a innramma poster from the Oslo jazz festival, that is not something that has high artistic value for the municipality to own.

Grete Horntvedt confirms the history towards the Newspaper. She says the picture was given to her by the Oslo jazz festival, and not to the municipality. That the image was registered in Oslo municipality’s art collection, she knew not before she turned it many years later.

One time or another, there has been a round in the office, where it has been stamped. There was no one who knew about it was my or the municipality, she says to Dagbladet.

the Art was worth millions. So messed up Oslo it away Comment

No one had missed the picture in the meantime.

Hansen says that over the years have more posters, private purchased pictures and other things without high art – or dollar value has been stamped with the kunstsamlingens registration number.

All that was stamped went automatically into the Oslo municipality’s art collection.

It did with everything that was hung up in the glass and the frame in a period of time. If what is lost is a poster from an event from 1993, then it is not so dangerous, ” she says.

This will also sorteringsprosjektet get the order.

Not only what is gone, but also categorize it in what we should lay down a bet in the find, and what it was not important for us to own in the first place.

– Have gotten the job done

One cause of images not being found, is that the municipal employees move them without notifying you. When sorteringsprosjektet come on a visit, they find it not, therefore, where it was registered. Hansen says the project largely builds on the selvrapportering, and believes that misunderstanding and error records are difficult to avoid.

Kontrollutvalget demand answers about kunstkaoset in Oslo: – Severe

– I think that it is something that you must communicate again and again and again. The only way to avoid this for all time to come, had been to get a reminder in the foreheads of 50 000 employees in the municipality, ” she says.

Byråden have not seen Kulturetatens report yet. She still has the confidence to sorteringsprosjektet.

– My impression is that they have got done the job they should do, that they have carried out the mission they received from us as byrådsavdeling, ” she says.

The final result remains to be seen. The report will, according to Hansen to tell how much is missing as of today, and to propose measures.

It will also say something about how much of what has been missing so long that we must consider if we are going to find it again.

– Giant tillitsprosjekt

Hansen has no expectation that the number of works in the category of “not found” will have been less since 2017.

– Rather that it goes up. But there is an expression for a better overview, rather than the fact that more has been lost. I believe that regardless of what the number is, we have got a better overview. It is the purpose that has been. And if it is very much who is gone, then we’ll look at what it means

Have you seen Oslo or missing art? Search among the 1642 work of art here

She emphasizes that they have no basis for believing that more has been gone the last few years.

What do you do to prevent that work from being moved without being recorded?

– There is a gigantic tillitsprosjekt the whole thing, and all those who have art, have the responsibility for it themselves. If not, we had had many thousands went around and checked all the time. I don’t think we are going to create the Oslo municipality kunstpoliti, ” she says.

Is this the price to pay for the trust?

– It is the risk to actually have art there. It can also happen that we find something we didn’t know we had, which are not registered. What we must see when we are finished, how many there are in the different categories.

– A “same day soon”

She says the municipality must see Kulturetatens report before they can determine what happens next.

I think it is silly we can do, is to put in the time fifty different measures until we know what the facts are. The basis we have for a “same day soon”.

Kunstkaos in Oslo: don’t Know where the 1642 work of art is the Newspaper Plus

It is not only the Oslo municipality’s art collection, it is rooted in. At least 47 pictures are missing from the Stenersen collection, which is located in the municipal agency Munchmuseet.

The exact number will be revealed when the Munchmuseet is finished to catalog his collection, ” says Hansen. It should be done before the new Munchmuseet open in 2020.

Hansen says the awaiting cataloguing before they put in the time measures of the missing Munch-the works.

While the assessor, we must see what is gone and what we know about it, ” she says.

But no one is looking and looking for those images now?

– We have very few municipal detectives, that is. I wish I was there.

– cry of the

Stein Olav Henrichsen, director of the Munchmuseet, said to Dagbladet in December that he believes the missing Munch-the images are “a symptom of a larger question about how we as a society maintain our art and cultural heritage”. Hansen is not agree.

” I think that our administration, both through kulturetaten and through the Munchmuseet, is good enough. I had not believed it, had I had to follow up on the two agencies I have responsibility for the deeper, demanded more of them, and given them other resources, ” she says.

Knows not where over 1600 works of art have been of: – Kjell Aukrust had been sad Dagbladet Plus

Elisabeth Munch-Ellingsen is the great-grandson of Edvard Munch’s brother, and has often been the family’s spokesperson. She thinks it is a scandal that so many pictures are gone, and that the registration has been so deficient.

Oslo municipality’s handling of this kunstgaven is to cry over. It is really sad, she said to Dagbladet in December.

All this protecting of as valuable images, both artistic and economic, is really outrageous. I think not necessarily in the budget, but that it is a valuable heritage. The public will receive a gift and a responsibility, and so is not the responsibility taken, ” she says.

about time

Hansen is not a disagreement with the Munch-Ellingsen.

– She has obviously completely right, when we talk about what we think is the standard today, ” she says.

When the Newspaper asked the municipality of Oslo about the lack of registration of the Stenersen collection, referred to the Munchmuseet.

Munchmuseet, on its side, referred to the fact that they only have had a collection since 2010.

Who should we address questions about the incomplete registration to the?

I understand very well why you are asking that question. The rest of the art collection had, of course, not a perfect register at the time. A lot is probably about the time, ” says Hansen.

the Problem applies to several of the collections, the municipality has had responsibility for, believes Hansen.

” We know that Oslo municipality has forvalta the legacy of Munch, a gift from Stenersen, other gifts we have been given, and Oslo municipality’s art collection, by the way, in a way that does not satisfy what we expect today. Nowadays we would never put up a Munch painting in a pissoar, ” she says.

Dagbladet reveals: Valuable Munch-images are gone – without Munchmuseet was aware of it