“One step closer to reduced digitalmoms”

“Yet another step is taken towards reduced rates of vat on digital publications for the summer. The ministry of finance define now the types of publications that should be counted.”

“After over two years of deliberations, the EU finance ministers in early October that the EU countries can lower or completely remove the vat on e-publications. The news was welcomed by, inter alia, the media industry trade association, TU.”

“On Monday was a departementsskrivelse clear who defines what is an e-publication.”

“– Here we have chosen a rather broad definition. There has been a fear that we would have some sort of narrow definition, which would then be run from the technology, ” says finance minister Magdalena Andersson (S) to the TT.”

“In the parliament there is support for the line to impose the same rate of vat on e-publications on paper publications, thus 6 per cent, compared with today’s 25 percent. In order not to delay the process because of the situation with a caretaker government be referred now a memorandum from the ministry of finance. It enables a new government to make momsförändringen on 1 July next year.”

“– Many media outlets will be able to take advantage of this. It’s not at least on the local press, which has it tough with advertising revenue. This will facilitate their competitive position, ” says Magdalena Andersson.”

“the tax reduction will cost the treasury about 200 million in 2019 and around 400 million in 2020.”