
Golden globes 2019: the nominations for the awards of film and television, live

MORE INFORMATION All the information about the Golden Globes The vice of power, directed and written by Adam McKay, part...

The Government will modernize by law, the performing arts and music

Has been and is almost a miracle that the theatres, dance companies and orchestras of the National Institute of Scenic Arts and...

The communication error from Leticia Dolera with Aina Clotet

The director and actress Leticia Dolera has spoken for the first time this Wednesday on the controversy, with Aina Clotet, the interpreter...

The scribbles of a colossus of western art

All research to fund the work of an artist makes that emerges the essence of his way of creating and, often, the...

The festival Mad Cool wants to hold two editions a year in Madrid

Mad Cool faces from 11 to 13 July 2019 in its fourth year, second on the premises of Ifema, where he lived...

Did you know the baron Thyssen who was buying art stolen by the nazis?

The scene occurs in October of 1976. Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, one of the greatest experts in the art market in the...

The video of Charlotte Prodger wins the Turner in an edition that leaves out...

The work that Charlotte Prodger based on a variety of video formats has been receiving Tuesday night's Turner prize for contemporary art,...

Carolina For: The fans of ‘operación Triunfo’ they want my death

Carolina For he had not wanted to know nothing of Operation Triumph, perhaps due to prejudice, perhaps because they were simply wrapped...

The world in a fight that lived Nina Simone

Nina Simone liked to repeat to herself a phrase that he used to say his friend, the writer James Baldwin: “This is...

The International Society of Authors penalizes the SGAE and raises his expulsion

The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) has decided this Tuesday to initiate a "process to impose sanctions" against...



Spoedvergadering Nederlandse premier met coalitieleiders over steun EU bewapeningsplan

Spoedvergadering Nederlandse premier met coalitieleiders over steun EU bewapeningsplanPrime Minister Dick Schoof is geconfronteerd met een urgente bijeenkomst met de leiders van de coalitiepartijen...

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