The director and actress Leticia Dolera has spoken for the first time this Wednesday on the controversy, with Aina Clotet, the interpreter reported that not hired for his series go for being pregnant. Dolera has made public a statement of three pages on Twitter in which he explains his decision not to hire her, regrets that he has used the controversy to “try to discredit the feminist movement” and question their years of commitment with him, and said that the problem was due to a “communication error” with Clotet.

He said on November 20 that he was not hired after announcing to the crew that I was pregnant and ask them to look for a way to not affect the series, still brand new, such as hiding her pregnancy with planes or with changes of the script. Dolera had selected for one of the three leading roles, although he had not signed any contract. And as soon as he knew that He was expecting her second child, decided to break the agreement. The actress reported: “I Assumed that the production of a series markedly feminist and that raises the difficulty of being a woman and mother in this society, would consider all the options to not opt out for being pregnant”.

In Let yourself go, series focusing on three women who are going through a life crisis, He was going to embody, to Cristina, a woman who takes the pill without you know your husband in the first chapter, and from there, to “reconnect with the sexuality and begins to have adventures,” in the words of Dolera. Celia Freijeiro was chosen by the filmmaker to replace Clotet.

In the statement, released two weeks after the public denunciation of Clotet —the director claims to have taken so long because he was “on the straight end of the shoot,” and because the last days have been “very hard” for her—, Dolera has recognized the “lack of understanding” with the actress and has regretted “not having been able to better accompany to Aina as she needed to”, what has led to your judgment to “a situation of tension and public exposure”.

however, the director of the series has justified the decision not to hire the actress “does not fit into the profile of the lead character for which it was selected in a first time.” As has been indicated, the production team studied for two weeks, the reasons for which, although they “hurting”, Aina Clotet “I couldn’t embody the character.”

Here is where it points to a communication error, already activated a process of casting the actress he met by a third person: “it Was a matter of hours.” “Both I and the producer of the series and we apologize in his time, by phone and in person. I’d like to do it again, this time publicly. I understand the sadness this news and I understand your disappointment,” he adds. “I am sorry that in this case, although again, it does not achieve an ideal solution,” stresses Dolera, after detailing the possibilities and options that it proposed to deal with filming with the main character pregnant.

“many things have been said about me, but hurts me especially to see how you used this situation to try to discredit the feminist movement, so necessary in our society, or to question my commitment,” indicates the director in the press release, in which calls for a reflection on the situation of the actresses pregnant in the audiovisual industry.


Aina Clotet allegation that Leticia Dolera not hired for his series for being pregnant ‘ideas superclaras’, by Joaquín Reyes

Stresses that the role represents a woman who does not want to get pregnant, and that “in this case was something completely opposite to the character of Cristina”. “Our body also tells the story,” he recalls. He argues also that in the not weighed the narrative style of the series, shot entirely in natural settings and in that there was no opt only for close-ups, as well as the inability to develop a shooting plan alternative.

this Is a production with 62 natural locations, with 94 actresses and actors, and a change involved “the non-recruitment of four actors already confirmed”. Also ruled out delete your “belly of pregnant woman in post-production,” as proposed to the actress, that she was willing to afford with your salary this process. Producer ne denied because it did not seem ethical or legal.

Dolera explains that neither saw it as possible that He played the role that was reserved for her in the series, since he wrote it thinking of itself, and in very personal experiences. He confesses that understands that also reject a character’s chapter, “an appearance short with some sequences”. Therefore, ask for to address this situation as “an opportunity to make a collective reflection, constructive, rigorous and courageous professionals of the sector about how motherhood affects all women in the industry”. It also proposes to open a dialogue with associations such as the screen Actors guild, the union Tace, Bow or the Union of Filmmakers to treat the difficulties of ensuring actresses pregnant or the vulnerability of women in this situation.

At eleven in the morning of Wednesday, the tweet of Dolera accumulated 397 retweets, 1.100 I like, and 413 replies, and Aina Clotet was a trending topic. For the moment, the actress has not been answered in the social networks.