– If you only read one article a year, let it be this.

– As a data-loving djøffer (not in healthcare) it is thought-provoking, important points and considerations are presented.

– Data is also good to have, certainly. Why the love to some like me records, and IT.

– But we have gone completely wrong in the city, as a society, in the current set-up – we powers apparently did not pick it, it makes sense to register and IT systemunderstøtte and allow it another danger.

– This ‘it’ we must have the courage to address, which is a political task. As our politicians must assume and deal with.

And some such as me, the data-djøfferne, need to find out how we can use our abilities for anything other than to make life miserable for nurses, teachers, educators, etc.

How to write Lene W in a very popular comment (43 recommendations) of the Danish newspaper Politiken.dk for a feature article from the nurse, Stine R, about the huge amount of ‘pseudoarbejde’, she is forced to spend time in his work. Stine writes about the ‘skrivebordssygeplejersker’, which has set itself the inevitable traces of her daily work in the form of countless guides, instructions and handlingsanvisninger. Letters, which often contradict each other. Guides that bear the stamp of the that they are the brainchild of someone who does not know what is practical possible. And she describes the problem as follows:

– We, who are still on the floor, faint of, that accountability is diluted. The who has designed Sundhedsplatformen and Cura (municipal it system) will not be held responsible for the deaths that happen as a result of incorrect technical features.

– It is neither meaningful or life-affirming, when I need to use one half of my working day to document the second half.
– Textbooks in palliative care are already written. Why should I write a new textbook, each time I wont a new patient?

And why should the patient be asked about 14 different areas covering the whole of her physical and mental capabilities in all areas of life?

– As another example of pointless work, I have several times dutifully sat and filled out the required information on a computer in the office, while my patients have died alone in their living rooms, writes the nurse, and Hanne B – that have gotten 11 likes for his comment agree:

– The Danish Health care system has been totally infected by pseudoarbejde – invented by ringbindsgeneralerne in the best hidden djøff auspices – which only has done it for their own benefit!

– It is satemig creepy!, sounds from Hanne and Helga contribute to the debate with this experience:

– THANK you – let this article be pligtlæsning for all middle and senior management!

– My old sainted mother on the 97 was nearly blind and getting on the nursing home (6 years ago).

I came by one day, where she sat with her lunch and could not find food. By the side of sat a sosu and looked on.

– When I noticed it, I got to know that she should observe how much my mother even could, it should be assessed whether there was a need for extra help……

– I was tongue-tied. There is a great need to also learn how to use the ASF (plain common sense), writes Helga, but what do you say?