“Pending Russian line against valsegraren in Kiev,”

“the Countries are at loggerheads on most areas.”

“According to the Russian representatives, it is difficult to predict how the contacts will work with Ukraine’s president-elect Volodymyr Zelenskyj.”

” It is too early to talk about the president of russia Vladimir Putin to congratulate mr Zelenskyj, or if it is possible to work together. It will only be possible to determine based on concrete action, said Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for Russian president Vladimir Putin.”

“He adds that he respects the Ukrainian people’s choice, but that the accuracy can be questioned, because the russians living in the country not allowed to participate.”

“Russia annexed Crimea in eastern Ukraine in violation of international law in the spring of 2014. Moscow’s direct involvement in the fighting between government forces and pro-Russian separatists in the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine have made the sore, the relationship between the countries even more infected, as well as other security and military incidents.”

“During the election campaign, attacked the comedian Zelenskyj parts of the incumbent president Petro Porosjenkos tougher line against Moscow, but also made it clear that he wants to continue to have a mainly western-oriented political course.”

“On Sunday said the Zelenskyj that he with the support of the EU to hold talks with Russia on peace treaty, and that he will try to get the detained ukrainians in Russia freed.”

“Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev says Moscow sees an opportunity for enhanced cooperation with Zelenskyj as president, but adds that he does not have any”

“According to Andrei Kolesnikov, an analyst at think tank Carnegie Moscow Centre, devoid of the Kremlin, an elaborate strategy vis-à-vis Zelenskyj because his election was so unexpected. There are some Russian hopes of a softer stance from Kiev – but the hope live dangerously, ” says Kolesnikov.”

“– An imprudent statement by Putin or Zelenskyj can stop it.”

“Already, Moscow has made Zelenskyjs future jobs more difficult by a decision in the last week of a ban on oil exports to Ukraine, which will enter into force in June.”

“Alexei Tjesnakov, analysts and former high-ranking in Putin’s United Russia party, says that some of the relations between the countries will be determined by if and when Zelenskyj announces parliamentary elections. This is because the parliament has a great influence over the attitude towards Russia, ” says Tjesnakov to the Russian news agency Tass.”

“Alexei Makarkin, an analyst at the think tank Center for Political Technologies, believes that Zelenskyj have the harsh political conditions clear. And the Russian leadership has long-term goals with their actions, ” says Makarkin.”

“– It is ready to help Donetsk and Luhansk return to the Ukraine only as a method to block Ukraine’s closer relationship with Nato.”