“The Person found dead in fire debris – man arrested with cans”

“Suspected of arson in Vallentuna”

“At the övertända villa in Vallentuna was seen a mysterious man.”

“the Police checked him and found empty cans in his car.”

“Now, after the technical investigation, confirms to the police that the human remains found in the burnt down house.”

“It was a Saturday night two weeks ago that the rescue service was alerted to a house fire in Vallentuna, north of Stockholm.”

“When brandstyrkorna came up to the place was the house in flames and was beyond rescue.”

“at the same time discovered polispatrullerna a man in the vicinity of the burning home, according to information provided to Aftonbladet. The patrols should have reacted on the man’s behavior.”

“When the police checks the man they made several finds.”

“In his car there were several empty cans, according to sources to Aftonbladet.”

“the Man arrested at the scene and was arrested later the same night, suspected of arson.”

“After the findings of the suspect the police that the accommodations at the address become innebränd.”

“the Police blocked of the burned villa, and conducted a several days long technical study. Among other things, found the bone remains, according to Aftonbladet’s information.”

“the”Analyze the skeletons””

“On Monday, police announced that analyssvaren come to:”

“– We can conclude that a person was in the villa when the fire started, ” says Towe Hägg, police presstalesperson.”

“The dead person is not yet identified, but police have warned relatives of the residents at the address who have not made themselves known after the fire broke out.”

“The technical investigation is partially done, now continues the work to identify the remains and analyses them to find out who the person is,” says Towe Hägg.”

“Before analyssvaren was clear was released man on the loose. The police said that he is still suspected of arson, and that it will decide whether to remove him from the investigation or arrest him again depending on what ”the other analyssvaren shows”.”