“Populism governing the policy-makers care shall be saved”
“Debater: Poll is more important than solving problems”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Why reduce public confidence in politics? The politicians ‘ own answer is that the media of various kinds driven development, the traditional branch chasing scandals and the social that creates the filter bubble and pushing the traditional media to hunt klickraketer to penetrate. “
“It is true that globalisation, urbanisation and digitisation has given politicians a whole new landscape to navigate in. The emergence of social media and citizens ‘ immediate access to information and news from around the world create other mechanisms and forces that affect the conditions of the policy. “
“But it is noteworthy that the policy sits in the passenger seat and let the new kommunikationslandskapet take förarposition. Media and social media is something that the Swedish politicians have to relate to, but it is not something that should govern the policy you run.”
“As an example of my point I start from the sector I know best, and the political area as the electorate for the election in 2018 identified as the most important: the health and health care. “
“During the election campaign, it was striking how similar all the parties’ election promises was sounded. At the overall level had all the parties in the same proposal and solution to the problems; More resources to health care, both money and personnel. The difference consisted mainly in what it called the new resources, professionsmiljard or kömiljard. “
“all the more Remarkable given that the Swedish health care sales approaching 400 billion, which should make it obvious to all responsible politicians to a single billion in addition unlikely to make any major difference. “
“When I started working with care at the end of the 70’s, there were 8 300 doctors in the whole of Sweden, the day is approaching, the number 40 000. Only in the Stockholm county council (SLL), nowadays the Stockholm Region, there are today approximately 10 000 doctors, thus, more than were in the whole of Sweden, not so long ago. “
“the Queues are longer than then, and we see a steady decrease of the total production in the care. To continue the reasoning with a starting point in the SLL, the cost of health care increased by 4.5% to 7.5% during the last 15 years, and at the same time, production has fallen by 1 per cent per year. “
“More resources in health care does not seem to be the solution to the problem, it seems to exacerbate the situation. “
“There is a negative added value which allows more resources to the same unreformed organization is used for administrative friktionskostnader that actually generate less care instead of more. “
“These figures, and the mechanisms feel the parties in the county council and at the national level, but does not act, why? “
“I can see only one explanation: the parties, the love to the media. They believe, after förläst on analyses of the american election, that the media of the day determines the choice. “
“Therefore, all parties in the last years mainly employed people who define themselves as communicators at the expense of people with expertise and experience of political investigation. “
“It means that you focus on polling and communication rather than to engage in investigative work, they are more interested in the ”public” perception of causation than on the real ones. Basically, this is populism. “
“the Consequences of this are devastating for democracy in general but for the parties in particular. It limits the pace of reform and undermines the confidence of the parties, and by extension to democracy.”
“I spoke with all the parties ahead of the elections in the autumn about this and they agreed with the cause; that they may not have had a proposal that solved the real problems, but that their proposal was in line with public opinion. “
“Against the objection that the statistics and the past experience shows that neither lack of money or human resources are the problem in health care I got the answer that surveys show that most people perceive that there is a lack of resources, which is located behind the waiting lists. “
“Therefore, we run a symbolic increase of resources to the health care, the reasoning of the parties. “
“Is it not precisely this sensitivity to trends that lie behind the declining trust in politics and democracy? This has led to all of the parties basically had the same proposal in the healthcare field the last four elections, and it has not help either the business or opinion. “
“the Response from the parties is that it does not play any role, it is the polls and the votes cast that means something.”
“No party has today a policy built on serious investigations and analyses of what is needed to reform american health care. Rather than have a short-term anxiety around the poll got control. “
“It is time that american policies to a greater extent, be based in research and knowledge, and that the parties are again mainly employ investigators and people with the ability to formulate policies. Otherwise, the absence of long-term reforms that really make a difference and the confidence in democracy will erode. “
“People’s concerns will be taken seriously but it should also the need of social change. Change is not easy and not always popular, but in the highest degree necessary. The reforms needed is an entirely different article than this, but it is high time to start work!”
“nAnders Lönnberg, formerly the parliamentary and landstingsledamot (S). President of the national collaboration group for the life sciences.”
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