“Salvini collects nationalistkollegor to the meeting”

“Italy’s interior minister Matteo Salvini organizes during the day of a meeting in Milan with european colleagues representing högernationalistiska parties. To the invited hear France’s Marine Le Pen and the Netherlands Geert Wilders.”

“Salvini, who is also deputy prime minister, representing the xenophobic and eurosceptic Lega. The plan of the meeting is to lay the foundation for a new högernationalistiskt blocks within the EU.”

“anti-racists and anti-fascist groups have called for demonstrations and protests during the Milanomötet.”

“the Lega is expected to become Italy’s largest party in the european Elections, according to opinion polls – despite the fact that most italians are in favour of the european community. According to the latest poll, the party has scored around 30 per cent of the votes cast.”