“Serious crimes are being investigated after the parliamentary elections,”
“Close to 100 notifications of violations were made in connection with the election in the fall. The majority have been put down but the 13 investigations are still ongoing.”
“the Suspicion relating to, among other things, the improper handling of the ballots and illegal actions of the vallokalsfunktionärer – and the public prosecutor assesses several of the cases as serious.”
“At the 2014 com 42 notifications of criminal offences submitted to the public prosecutor’s office riksenhet against corruption. After the parliamentary elections in 2018 more than doubled the number of notifications – 92 pieces.”
“An explanation for the increase may be the tightening of procedures for police reporting of this type of cases for the device. But the chief prosecutor Alf Johansson also sees another possible reason:”
” I can imagine that the political divisions were larger in 2018 than in 2014. There was a higher debattläge, ” he says.”
“A 30-tal investigations could be written of directly, including when they were”
“– the Anonymous complainants, have made some observations and had his own speculation that it has been used fraudulently. And some belong to the category of missnöjesanmälningar in general, you find society and the electoral system in general is rubbish and cheating, ” he says.”
“In the 58 cases, started the criminal investigation, to further investigate what happened. 45 of these have been laid down, for example, to the notifier responded to have had natural explanations, or simply not been the criminal.”
“Still do 13 investigations. Alf Johansson, can not go into detail on them, but it is, inter alia, on the management of ballot papers, which meant that the persons entitled to vote ”
“– There are also certain actions relating to the dissemination of information, which we are still investigating. Some of the measures with röstningsunderlaget, where one can suspect that it has been tampered with, we have also pre-trial investigation in time, as well as for certain actions from the officials in the polling stations, ” says Alf Johansson.”
“A person is so far notified the suspicion of a crime. A common denominator for the notifications is that they relate to the legal classification of the offence unduly acting at the voting. Felony can bring up to four years in prison, and Alf Johansson believes that these are the very serious crimes in several of the cases.”
“– which we are still investigating is relatively serious, ” he says.”
“One other connection is that the approach is the same in several cases.”
“– There are also personsamband in respect of certain investigations. But exactly what they are about, I can’t go on, says Alf Johansson.”
“Of the notifications that came in at the elections in 2014 there was nothing that led to the prosecution. Now think Alf Johansson to the outcome may be another. It is hoped that förundersökningarna should be finished before the month of July.”
” I think that the one and the other, if you can lead it in evidence, may involve the action is brought.”
“ahead of the EUROPEAN elections, and Alf Johansson expects fewer notifications when compared with in the parliamentary elections.”
” I don’t think there are as many. I think this is the way that local, county and parliamentary elections are much more politically infected than the EUROPEAN elections. Fewer will vote there and quite numerous, according to what reported in the media, do not even know what it is about.”
“In the criminal code states that a person is guilty of improperly acting in a vote on the”
“the Penalty for ordinary drug offences is a fine or imprisonment not exceeding six months.”
“the felony the maximum penalty is six years imprisonment. The crime is considered serious if it is used violence or threats, or if it included the abuse of official power.”