On Tuesday evening, a man on the Strasbourg Christmas market, opened fire and killed three people. At least twelve were injured, six of them seriously. The city centre was sealed off, the interior Ministry called on citizens to leave their homes.

almost exactly two years Ago, on 19. December 2016, attacked a Christmas fair in Berlin by a terrorist. He raced with a semi-trailer in the wooden houses of the Christmas market. 12 people died, about 100 were injured. The Breitscheidplatz in Berlin looks like a fortress. The terrain is of metal and concrete structures surrounded. In addition, mobile Anti-terrorist bollards to protect the Christmas market. 2.5 million Euro cost of the safety.

Video: shooting in Strasbourg police seal off the city centre. (Video: Twitter/Tamedia)

Very different is the picture in Switzerland, At one of the largest Christmas markets in Zurich, the “Vienna of eight village” on the Sechseläutenplatz, a lack of protective devices such as mobile bollards completely.

it is not so that the danger of a terrorist attack would have fallen in Switzerland. In the current situation report of the Federal intelligence service, it means: “The terrorist threat in Switzerland remains elevated.”

Mobile vehicle demand

security experts lock in Germany can shake only the head. Francis Seijas, General Manager of the Consel Group in Buchs ZH, sold, among other things, mobile Anti-terrorist Barrier, specifically designed to pre-frenzied vehicles to stop. Stops, such as in Berlin, in the summer of 2016 will be prevented on the beach promenade of nice or 2017 on the Ramblas in Barcelona to so.

“In Germany, is currently the demand for mobile vehicle locks are very large,” says Seijas, “German cities and police forces are strong on the Upgrade. We are experiencing a sourcing wave.” In Switzerland, the interest was, however, much smaller. “It’s probably connected to the fact that there has never been a terrorist attack.”

A similar product range as the Consel Group the company Perimeter Protection from Samstagern ZH. Also managing Director, Urs Studer, confirmed: “We actually have a relatively small number of orders from Switzerland. In the case of the police, the security problems are known. Often, the policy stops but, because the money is missing.” The city of Bern’s Christmas market on Waisenhausplatz, for example, is protected with concrete elements. These blocks are beautifully packaged – they look like gifts. The leaders make a virtue out of necessity, not to do everything to destroy the contemplative mood.

System liquid product: water bags stop even a truck. Image: PD

However, Perimeter-Protection-managing Director, Studer says: “concrete elements, as they are sometimes used in Switzerland for the Christmas markets, I can’t recommend at all. If a truck drives inside are thrown to the elements.” In fact, Tests by the German vehicle inspection company Dekra.

A spokeswoman for the Berne police talks “for tactical reasons” but not in Detail, to the protection devices at events. Instead, it refers to the city administration. But specific answers, there is not also here.

That there is no other, proves the police in Basel-Stadt. In the summer, the Canton police bought a Lock for 100’000 Swiss francs 22 mobile Anti-terrorism. Speaker Toprak Yerguz these are used at various events – currently, for example, at the Christmas market in the city. So far, the Basel police, according to Yerguz satisfied: “The advantages of this Barrier, the permeability, the better mobility and high security.”

the city police St. Gallen has been upgraded in the fight against terrorism. In the summer, the police bought around 50 so-called liquid product. The bags, which are filled with hundreds of litres of waters. They are positioned right, you can stop speaker Dionys Widmer a speeding truck. Per piece of the items cost only a few Hundred francs.

the St. Gallen can only find words of praise for their new acquisition: “to Date, we have committed to large-scale events with concrete elements and vehicles protected,” spokesman Widmer, “the concrete elements were, however, complex in set – up and dismantling, and the vehicles could not be used while otherwise.”

In the summer of 2019 also wants the city of Zurich to upgrade

After all, wants to soon invest also the city police of Zurich in safety. “We are currently testing a number of mobile vehicle restraint systems,” says head of Media for the Marco Cortesi. The new Anti-Terror System should be in the summer, ready for action, “a prerequisite is, of course, that the municipal Council approves the Budget”.

Whether the new acquisition in the future, however, is also placed around the Christmas market on the sechseläutenplatz, could not answer Cortesi. He only says to it: “it depends on the current situation assessment and the evaluation of the intelligence service.” Whether this has changed due to the attack in Strasbourg, is not yet known. A request for the Zurich city police is pending.

(This article was first published on Sunday 9. December 2018. Due to the current events of the day has him indicator.ch/Newsnet re-published and updated.) (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 12.12.2018, 08:04 PM