The Swiss Radio and television (SRF) sets of the Comedy show “Late Update” with Michael Elsener. Elsener was an exceptional talent, but SRF , the focus is rather on other formats.
“He and his Team have impressed, with the professionalism and passion of your creative ideas in the program implemented,” Tom Schmidlin, head of development and Comedy in SRF quoted in a message from Wednesday. “We thank you very much.” It will certainly give you the opportunity to meet the members of the Ensemble in one Form or another again.”
Will miss you Michael Elseners “Late Update”?
Yes. It was a successful Comedy show.
no. The decision does not surprise me.
I don’t care.
Yes. It was a successful Comedy show.
no. The decision does not surprise me.
I don’t care.
957 votes
Yes. It was a successful Comedy show.
no. The decision does not surprise me.
I don’t care.
957 votes
despite all the praise: could not be Satisfied SRF with the Format. The Sunday night show had bad rates. Finally, the shipment still had about 15 percent market share. His first season was even more popular and reached values of almost 30 percent. (step/sda)
Created: 27.11.2019, 10:25 PM