“Stop serve fulkött in our English schools”

“Debater: the Same rules must apply – even for private schools”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE IN the eftersvallet of the scandal with the sick animals from Poland, which was beef stew on Swedish schoolchildren’s plates so I wonder: How could it happen and can it happen again? “

“Now, admittedly, the current distributor made their apologies and promises quick recovery. But as far as I understand, there is still the risk that students in the independent school operators, who represent approximately 15 per cent of primary school pupils and just over 25 per cent of the pupils in upper secondary schools, can once again be affected by the imported ”fulkött”. “

“the independent school operators are covered not by the stricter kriteriekraven for public procurement, which has now finally arrived on site for the municipal kindergartens, schools and medical facilities. I look forward to the new criteria now also gives effect in practice. Now it is possible in all cases to which public procurers set requirements and I hope that there will be a follow-up of what the effects will be. “

“But when it comes to private actors within the welfare system, we have less opportunities to transparency. As kycklingbonde, but also a parent, I feel concern for how it looks on the page. It is a concern that I certainly share with students and parents in private schools. It was among other pupils at some of these schools that were affected by the Polish ”fulköttet”. “

“That kycklingbonde I know that there are problems with the import. Many of the major importing countries camouflages deficiencies in husbandry and hygiene by giving antibiotics to the animals during the whole rearing time, with or without a veterinary prescription. It leads to an alarming development of antibiotic resistance. It is so serious that the WHO describes the resistant bacteria as the main threat to public health. “

“Despite that everyone knows that the overuse of antibiotics in livestock farming is a risky one, select breeders in many countries still to preventively treat all animals with antibiotics. “

“Sweden banned The tillväxtantibiotika for more than 30 years ago, and the Swedish chicks are not treated either with prophylactic antibiotics. The incredibly low antibiotic use puts Sweden in a positive sense in the real world that have received foreign operators and journalists to visit our farms to see how we succeed. It is something we can be proud of. “

“We farmers have invested heavily on better animal welfare, healthier animals that do not need to unnecessary antibiotic treatment. It is also something that is in demand by consumers who have the ability to choose. “

“But children lack the ability. It is, therefore, the issue of procurement ultimately must be a political issue. It lacking all plausibility that private schools can exclude from the regulatory framework for public procurement. What is the intention of the new konsumentministern Ardalan Shekarabi, who is also an expert on public procurement, do to plug this loophole? “

“the Industry can, of course, yourself to push the issue, for example, by Friskolornas Association, where all the major players in the private pre – school and schools are represented, sets clear requirements on its member companies. Such a vigorous clean-up can mean a quick and easy process. “

“For no one can think it is fair that some children get locally grown, high-quality goods on the plate, while the other will have to settle for cheap importmat.”

“nJenny Andersson, kycklingbonde and chairman of the trade association Svensk Fågel”

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