“The sudanese army, announcing important message,”
“The sudanese army announce that it will shortly come with an important statement.”
“Thousands of individuals during the six days gathered outside militärhögkvarteret in the capital Khartoum. The protesters are demanding, among other things, that president Omar al-Bashir will depart.”
“Several military vehicles were seen driving into the headquarters area during the morning, tells the witnesses for the AFP news agency.”
“In the area are also found the president’s residence.”
“the Protests, which began in december, presenting the biggest challenge so far for the president of sudan, Omar al-Bashir during his 26-year-old, heavy-handed governance. The initial spark was a government decision to abolish the livsmedelssubventioner, which led to sharply increased food prices.”
“Several testify that soldiers from the Sudanese army has defended the demonstrators on several occasions, including by playing a protective ring around them during the attacks from the security forces linked to al-Bashir.”
“Several people have been killed in connection with last week’s demonstrations.”