“The suicide attack against the militärkonvoj of Syria”

“Five members of a kurdiskledd strength was killed in a suicide attack against a militärkonvoj in the northeastern Syria, said the Syrian människorättsobservatoriet.”

“the Soldiers from the kurdish-arab alliance (SDF) travelled together with us soldiers in the international military alliance that is fighting against the ICE when a suicide bomber in a car drove into the convoy. The attack occurred in Shadadi in Hasakeshprovinsen, has been relatively immune to unrest.”

“Militäralliansen confirms the attack and announces that there are no american casualties. Asayish, the autonomous kurdish administration police force, say, on the other hand, that no one had been killed in the attack.”

“Through the propagandaorganet Amaq claim IS that it is located behind the självmordsdådet.”