“The uk must say no to Eurovision in Israel,”
“171 artists and cultural workers: Israel denies palestinians basic human rights.”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. We artists and cultural workers who signed this petition cannot stand by and watch how Israel uses the Eurovision Song Contest in order to hide their crimes against the palestinian people.”
“Just a few days after the israeli victory in the Eurovision Song Contest in may 2018, the shot, the Israeli army killed 62 palestinians who protested against his fängelseliknande the confinement in the Gaza strip. “
“Six of those killed were children. Meanwhile, the israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu his delight at Netting Barzilai, the winning singer, was the best ambassador for Israel out there in the world.”
“as long As Israel, with its politics of apartheid denies palestinians their basic human rights, so long must we refrain from israeli participation in cultural exchanges.”
“nStefan Abelsson, musicians, GöteborgnPO Alfredsson, photographer, GöteborgnStefan Almqvist, a Swedish, Gothenburg nAnne-Li And, vissångerska, KöpenhamnnBernt Andersson, musician, GöteborgnKjell Andersson, filmmaker, VarbergnLove Antell, musician, StockholmnTobias Assiego (Format), artistu002Fdj, UppsalanGillis Bengtsson, record producer, GöteborgnStaffan Bergström, professor, VisbynRikard Birch, actor, StockholmnFelix Björklund, musicians, GöteborgnBengt Blomgren, musicians, GöteborgnGöran Guran Blomgren, musicians, GöteborgnEmanuel Blume, musicians, VänersborgnGöran Boardy, artist, GöteborgnMaria-Pia Boëthius, author, StockholmnMari Boine, a sami artist, SapminNina Bondesson, artist, GöteborgnBruno Bran, stunning entertainer, Gothenburg nPaula Brandt, actor, StockholmnSten Bunne, music pedagogue, HudiksvallnSassa Buregren, author, BuanSigne Bådagård, musicians, StockholmnEssa Cham, artist, HalmstadnGibril Cham, musicians, HalmstadnHenrik Dahl, teaterarbetare, StockholmnKristin Dahl, author, StockholmnAgneta Danielson, actor, GöteborgnArash Dehvari, cultural workers, StockholmnKarin Dreijer, musician, StockholmnOlof Dreijer, musician, StockholmnMattias are bold, musicians, GöteborgnFabian Edmar, musicians, GöteborgnOtilia Ek, musicians, GöteborgnHenrik Ekdahl, musicians, SundsvallnKajsa Ekis Ekman, author, StockholmnJohanna Emanuelsson, playwright, StockholmnLars Englund, choir director, Falun FredskörnGunnar Eriksson, choral conductor, LjungskilenKjell Eriksson, author, UppsalanCO Evers, playwright, StenungsundnIsabel Evers, playwright, GöteborgnAdam Falk, musician, StockholmnBisse Falk, author, SöderbärkenJoakim Falk, musician, StockholmnLeon Falk, musician, StockholmnSelma Falk, musician, StockholmnAthena Farrokhzad, poet, StockholmnDror Feiler, musician, StockholmnThomas Feiner, a musician, GöteborgnTomas Forsell, musicians, VassmolösanStefan Forssén, musicians, GöteborgnJohanna Franck, artist, GöteborgnLasse Franck, musician, GöteborgnLava Franck, music students, GöteborgnPer Gahrton, the author, HörbynMattias Gardell, author, Stockholm nGert Gelotte, author, GöteborgnMikael Godée, musicians, GöteborgnÅsa Grogarn Sol, singer, GöteborgnMax Gustafsson, however, BoråsnSvante Gärdek, artist, Gotland nTuomo Haapala, musicians, JulitanMagnus Hagstrom, musician, Gothenburg nTomas Halling, artist, GöteborgnJan Hammarlund, singer, StockholmnSebastian Hankers, musicians, VallentunanLinn Hansén, poet, GöteborgnBo Harringer, film, Gothenburg nErica Haylett (Etzia), dancehall artist, GöteborgnSaga Hedberg, teaterarbetare, Stockholm nUlf Hillermyr, wood carver, BoråsnClaes Hindenfelt, musicians, GöteborgnEllen Huttu Hansson, musician, GöteborgnMaria Hörnelius, actor, GöteborgnBengt Ingelstam, young writers, ÅngenDan Israel, publisher, StockholmnAmanda Johansson, an artist, GöteborgnAnnelie Johansson, musicians, Gothenburg nFolke Johansson, film makers, KullaviknKristin Johansson, kostymmästare, GöteborgnLinn Johansson, actress, SkånenÅke Johansson, author, Sundsvall nMoa Jonsson Länne, musicians, Gothenburg nHannes Junestav, musicians, StockholmnTorsten Jurell, artist, Stockholm, nAnna Jörgensdotter, author, GävlenLena Kallenberg, author, SöderbärkenJohan Karlberg, musicians, GöteborgnKalle Karlsson, Culture 4ür Alle, GöteborgnLo Kauppi, actor, StockholmnMagnus Kempe, producer, GöteborgnAnja appearance at, actor, Stockholm, sweden nCissi Larsson, musician, StockholmnJonathan Leidecker, musicians, StockholmnGunnar Lindgren, musician, ÄlvängennMaud Lindström, visartist, TollerednPelle Lindström, musicians, LeksandnEwert Ljusberg, troubadour, HedenPeter Lloyd, photographer, GöteborgnPekka Lunde (Pekkanini), musicians, GöteborgnTorbjörn Lundgren, author, SöderbärkenJenny Lundin, artist, Göteborg nMikael Löfgren, litteratör, Bohus-BjörkönAnders Lönnbro, actor, GöteborgnPeter Mosskin, author, StockholmnFelicia Mulinari, poet, MalmönAnton Müller, musicians, GöteborgnNiels Nankler, musicians, GöteborgnChrister Nilsson, producer, screenwriter, GöteborgnMikael Nitsche, musicians, StockholmnLisbeth Nowotny, musicians, GöteborgnMikael Nyberg, author, StockholmnRobert Nyberg, artists, StockholmnJohannes Nyholm, director, GöteborgnEva Nykvist, vissångerska, GöteborgnJimmy Olsson, musicians, GöteborgnPelle Olsson, author, KronobergnVibeke Olsson, Falk, author, StockholmnAnn-Sofie Oscarsson Greider, cultural workers, GöteborgnBrian Palmer, author, StockholmnSara Parkman, folk musicians, UppsalanJohn Pekkari, actor, Gothenburg nHåkan Persson, musicians, StockholmnElsie Petrén, author, Stockholm nBjörn Rantil, photographer, GöteborgnPeo Rask, author, LuleånPär Salander, professor, Umeå nIsabel Sandblom (Syster Sol), artist, StockholmnAmer Sarsour, a poet, Stockholm nLena Selander, artist, designer, GöteborgnMarie Selander, musicians, JulitanAxel Sjöberg, musician, GöteborgnRoger Sjöström, singers, SundsvallnSanne Skjervik, actor, StockholmnBo Skoglund, musicians, StockholmnSören Sommelius, journalist, Helsingborg nTherese Stawlin, silversmith, GöteborgnMaria Stella, singer, GöteborgnBo Stenholm, musicians, JonserednEmma Ströde, sculptor, GöteborgnNikke Stream, the musicians, the Gothenburg nStefan Sundström, musicians, Ekerö nGöran Therborn, author, LjungbyholmnBjörn Therkelson, artist, FalköpingnMichael Thorén, music producer, GöteborgnMiriam Thorpe, artist, GöteborgnJoakim Thåström, musicians, StockholmnThomas Tidholm, author, ArbrånPeter tower castle, an opera singer, ÅmålnRick Tritö, vispunkare, MalmönRichard Turpin, director, StockholmnBert Törnblom, author, StockholmnJacob Ullberger, musicians, Stockholm nAnnika Ullerstam, cultural workers, GöteborgnAna Valdés, author, StockholmnStina Velocette, artist, GöteborgnVic Who, artist, GöteborgnMaj Wechselmann, filmmaker, StockholmnNiklas Wennstrom, musicians, Stockholm nAmanda Werne (of Slowgold), musicians, GöteborgnJon Wetteholm, actor, GöteborgnSiv Widerberg, writer, StockholmnMikael Wiehe, musicians, MalmönRoffe Wikström, musicians, StockholmnJenny Wrangborg, poet, Stockholm nSven Wollter, actor, LuleånMonika Zak, author, StockholmnGunnar Åkerhielm, musicians, StockholmnIngvar Örner, actor, Gothenburg, sweden ”
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