“The common people will not stand for miljönotan”

“Construction: the Government’s green tax shift must be red”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The price to prevent a pure right-wing government has been high. “

“Januariavtalet between S, C, L, and MP is a big disappointment for me and all other who want a more fair tax policy and ensure a more equal Sweden. The settlement includes significant tax cuts for high income earners. “

“The workers have so far content with the words in the regeringsförklaringen that the gaps should be reduced while the concrete reforms are conspicuous by their absence. “

“That Sweden now has a social democratic-led government does not mean that the Building will sit still in the boat. I will not be quiet just for Stefan Löfven is the prime minister. We will operate on the policy in the members ‘ interest during the whole term of office.”

“The green tax shift that is in Januariavtalet is an example I want to lift. It is a great but also undefined reform. In the document that the parties agree is the tax on labour and entrepreneurship should decrease, while environmental taxes will increase. No details are given but the tax shift is about 15 billion. “

“I want the green tax shift will be red. Then Sweden can get a policy that reduces the samhällsklyftorna instead of increasing them. “

“the Climate were a major focus when the prime minister read regeringsförklaringen. It is not strange. Klimatomställningen is necessary, we all know it, but there are different ways to go, and here the government must choose the right. “

“Either we let the common people with already strained economy to foot the bill. Or we can do the conversion fair and constructive, where they earn the most and also causing the most emissions will pay. “

“Is it really reasonable to byggnadsarbetaren who lives in Hörby and is dependent on the car to get to work to pay for the big business climate emissions? For us in the Building, the answer is given.”

“An unfair climate policy that lacks popular support and increases the gap between city and country is destined to fail. The result is tearing of the society and the setback for the necessary change. “

“We have seen this around the world, not least now with the yellow vests in France. Such a short-sighted policy helps neither the climate nor the us workers. “

“instead of risking that Sweden becomes reactionary elements, we should be a model for fair klimatomställning. For it to be, so does the tax shift of 15 billion lead to both reduced emissions and increased equality. “

“Sweden will be more fair if the tax relief for workers with a regular wallet can be exchanged for eco-taxes for those who already have much. So we can continue to have the lead in fighting climate change. “

“When the Socialists now rule again applies it to the make a reality of the words on the reduction of disparities. For us construction workers, it is a small consolation that the policy had become even worse if we got a right-wing government. “

“the social Democrats’ role in Swedish politics must be greater than to just keep the Moderates and The sweden democrats away from power. We require more. There is a need for concrete reforms for equality, in order to reduce the gap between city and country, and for klimatomställning. “

“It is fully possible, but then the green tax shift become red. “

“nJohan Lindholm, president of the Building and a member of the social Democrats ‘national executive”

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