Glen Riddersholm switch first sports job in Vendsyssel out with cheftrænerjobbet in south Jutland pr. 1. February.

It means that he must run the transfer window in Vendsyssel, while his next club should settle with the assistant coach Niels Lodberg in the start-up.

– We’re not going to just release Glen, so he can start in the Victorian 1. January. Then they must pay, and then we are going to talk with, but as a starting point will be the Glen in his position in January, says The chairman of the board Jacob Andersen of Ekstra Bladet.

According to Ekstra information requires Vendsyssel an amount of 250,000 crowns to let go of Riddersholm before time, but it has Jutland in the first place refused to pay.

There is now a set price on what Vendsyssel will have to release Glen Riddersholm to the Border before time. Photo: Henning Bagger / Ritzau Scanpix

One could theoretically imagine that Riddersholm can sell part of the club’s players to Jutland, but it is not happening.

– I did Glen clear yesterday that he has a loyalitetsforpligtelse. He is on a regular funktionærkontrakt, and I expect that he act in a loyal, and he has also confirmed to us.

– It is not that we are fuming and the other prisoners, but I am sad and disappointed. I expect that he behaves properly, says Andersen.

There is no replacement for Riddersholm on the spring.

– It was not our plan, that the news should breakes in the day, but there was apparently someone in south Jutland, who could not keep close and leaked it to the newspaper, and so we sent out a press release.

– But we have a list from when we searched the sports director two months ago, and there are single underlined, and added new, but we take our time.

It was 22. in October, Vendsyssel announced that Glen Riddersholm was going to be the club’s new sports director.

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south Jutland – 19. dec. 2018 – at. 14:05 Now talking Glen on chokskiftet: – Should something very attractive to the

south Jutland – 19. dec. 2018 – at. 13:33 Comical scenario: Need to buy players for rivals